The Oklahoma Legislature passed a law that forbids public school teachers from teaching Critical Race Theory. That Marxist philosophy basically teaches that America is a corrupt and racist country.

And it teaches that white children – especially boys and young men – are racist simply because of the color of their skin.

The National Education Association is demanding that this corrupt view of America and this indoctrination of racism be taught without restraint.

The trouble with the Oklahoma law it that it has no teeth.

Dozers of lawmakers sent a letter to State School Superintendent Joy Hofmeister telling her to advise the State School Board to pass rules eliminating Critical Race Theory and to back those up with penalties for teachers who defy the law.

Already some teachers have stated that they will teach this heresy regardless of the consequences.

The law doesn’t stop the teaching of history. Teachers can taught about slavery, the civil rights movement, the Tulsa race riot and other topics are actually occurred. What they can’t do is create guilt among white students who are being blamed for crimes they didn’t commit.

This is a form of revisionist history that is inspired by Marxism and its goal of creating friction among racial groups in America. They want to stir up contention and to erase all of the progress America has made in race relations.

This is a test for Hofmeister, a liberal Republican. If she caves in to the NEA, she is not fit to lead Oklahoma’s public schools. Our children are too valuable to be led astray by Marxism.