We find ourselves living in very disturbing times.
As Americans we have survived many months isolated from family and friends. closed businesses, empty classrooms, locked church buildings, and masks being required – even on our children.
Finally with the arrival of the heralded vaccines we were assured that our lives would be returned to us-once 70% of Americans had received the vaccine. That lifted our spirits, but it seems our optimism was premature, for now we are witnessing an uninterrupted flow of multiple thousands of illegal immigrants from around the world, crossing our southern border with no apparent effort being made by our government leaders to detain, much less treat, those infected with the Covid virus, but reportedly placing them on buses or planes and transporting them to various cities across our country where neither proper identification, nor preparations have been made.
How can we accept the prospects of mask mandates being once again imposed on adults and our children while in real time we see looming on our southern border a potentially life-destroying reinfection unleashed due to political expediency. It will be interesting to see if the American people acquiesce to this re-introduction of mandates in light of this on-going charade and the reported increase in infection rates.
“Where there is no law, there is no liberty.” Thomas Jefferson.