College students are being forced into taking vaccinations for the Chinese coronavirus against their will.

And this institutions of higher learning are becoming almost militant in demanding that everyone wear a mask, indoors and outdoors.

Even Oklahoma colleges that are not mandating that students get the shot are pressuring students, staff and professors to take the vaccine against their will.

In fact, journalism students at Oklahoma State University forced out an editor at the student newspaper because she just questioned the value of masks in deterring the pandemic. Science is on her side but in this woke culture, if you challenge the liberal/progressive view, you must be silenced and that is what is happening on these campuses.

The value of these vaccines is debatable. Anyone who wants the vaccine should have the freedom to get it. But Joe Biden and the federal government are shoving a wedge between people who have been vaccinated and those who refuse to take it.

Biden essentially said the reason the pandemic persists is because of selfish, unvaccinated Americans.

And that nonsense is being parroted by college administrators, professors and even students.

America is based on freedom and forcing someone to take a questionable medicine against their will is just wrong.

And putting pressure on college students to be bullied into taking a shot or wear a mask against their will should not be allowed.