Journalism departments in colleges and universities used to teach that news coverage should include both sides of a story and professional journalists were supposed to hold to that standard of fairness.
That is rapidly changing.
Reporters from some major liberal news outlets are calling for an end to “both-siderism” and they specifically want harsher treatment of Republicans and no criticism of Democrats.
Jackie Calmes of the Los Angeles Times wrote an opinion piece titled “Why journalists are failing the public with ‘both-siderism’ in political coverage.” Calmes wrote for the New York Times before going to the Los Angeles Times. Calmes blasted “journalistic pressure” to produce balanced stories because they don’t protray “the new truth.” She wants journalists to blast “Republican obstructionists” and stop the criticism of President Joe Biden and other Democrats.
“To the extent, then, that journalists and pundits focus critically on President Biden and Democrats and give short shrift to Republicans’ obstructions — as if the cancer of Trumpism was in remission, if not cured — that indeed distorts reality and disserves readers, listeners and viewers,” Calmes wrote.
This abandonment of long-held views on fairness has been dissipating for some time but now journalists are boldly declaring that they are public relation workers for the progressives, and more specifically, the Democrat Party.
They don’t care about those professional standards.
In response, Americans, both conservative and liberal, should stop reading, listening to and watching this biased reporting. And that actually is happening in the decline of daily newspaper readership and viewership of cable and broadcast news.
You can’t trust what passes for news these days.