The secularists on the left want to erase all references to male and female and force Americans into accepting fluidity in sex because it deepens a departure of the Biblical principle that God created only two sexes – men and women.
The latest strategy in Oklahoma is to stop requiring doctors to designate whether a newborn baby is a boy or a girl. And in their attempts to change the meaning of words, they are using the federal bureaucracy to mandate that the term “nonbinary birth certificates” be allowed in Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma State Department of Health agreed to a settlement in a federal lawsuit authorizing a process to add nonbinary to the gender section of Oklahoma birth certificates. But they never notified proper authorities as required by law.
Gov. Kevin Stitt and Republican lawmakers were incensed. State law requires the administrative or legislative review of significant legal settlements.
But let’s face it – the OSDH is not led by conservative Christians. This was such a mistake that OSDH Commissioner Lance Frye resigned with no explanation. The real reason he resigned is because he doesn’t have a problem with boys trying to be girls and girls trying to be boys. And he should have notified state officials of this mistake before his department signed off on it.
When a baby is born, one look can tell you if it is a boy or a girl. There are no other options.
Secularists, socialists, humanists and some Democrat lawmakers think you can change your sex. They are promoters of social acceptance of homosexuality and they want to use the courts to enhance this godless philosophy.
Don’t change the birth certificates to confuse innocent children.