President Biden said on November 12 that the situation on the border “is of great concern.” He wasn’t taking about the surrender of America’s sovereignty on our southern border but instead about the border between Belarus and Poland.
“We’ve communicated our concern to Russia, we’ve communicated our concern to Belarus. We think it’s a problem,” Biden said about the growing tension in Eastern Europe due to an influx of illegal aliens.
Biden fears that Belarus and Russia are stirring up trouble with Poland. Thousands of migrants from the Middle East are in Belarus and poised to run illegally into Poland, which has a strict immigration policy. Poland has sent troops to its border because they understand a threat to their national security. Yet tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are headed to that border. This could be a smokescreen from Russia to divert attention from an attack on the Ukraine.
Millions of illegals from Central America, Haiti, South America, Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere are pouring into America through a porous border because Biden is defying America’s immigration laws and he is thumbing his nose at judicial restraint – even from the U.S. Supreme Court.
There is no doubt of the danger in Eastern Europe due to this illegal entry in Poland and other countries. Every nation has a right to maintain its own borders and to denigrate that sovereignty is a path to chaos.
We already are experiencing that chaos in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and even Oklahoma because Joe Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress want to destroy our laws for their anticipated political gain.
Biden cares more about Poland than Texas.