Does it seem reasonable that American citizens would vote in record-breaking numbers for the two candidates (Biden and Harris) who were the least-popular on the campaign trail leading up to the election?

Does it seem reasonable that Joe Biden would receive 10.6 million more votes than Barack Obama did in 2008?  And in this age of Black Lives Matter, is it reasonable to believe Joe Biden received 14.2 million more votes than Barack Obama, the incumbent first black president received in 2012?

Is it reasonable to believe that as of this writing (Nov 30th) some states are still counting votes twenty-seven days after the election?

Is it unreasonable to wonder if there are any reasonable people left in the Democrat Party?  They all seem to think, act and speak alike, and when it comes to voting, they all vote in a lockstep manner.  Does that seem reasonable?

God must intercede and cause reasonable people to shine the light of truth on what appears to be “questionable voting practices” that have taken place, particularly in Democrat controlled states, counties, and cities across America.  Otherwise, the integrity of our voting system will have been lost forever.

That “government of the people, for the people, and by the people” that Abraham Lincoln talked about in his Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, will surely perished from this earth, if American citizens refuse to act.

Every American should be praying for God to cause this election to be put on hold, until a swift and thorough investigation can be conducted by trustworthy people, to make sure the final vote tally is accurate and legal.    

If reasonable-thinking citizens remain silent and do nothing, we will have relinquished control of our elections to Big Tech and Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, You-Tube, Google, Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft), and The Swamp (Washington insiders, lobbyists, special interest groups), and The Deep State (un-elected government bureaucrats appointed to run the day-to-day operation), and the Fake News Media (CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NBC, ABC, CBS, and even Fox News which is becoming more and more liberal with each passing day).

Thank God, there are still some honest elected officials striving to protect the rights of American citizens; but their numbers are dwindling as more and more politicians are “selling their souls” to the highest bidder, and introducing legislation to appease them, instead of listening to ordinary “little people” like you and me – the taxpayers who are paying their salaries.

Lord, Lord, we are crying out to you.  Hear our prayers O Lord.