The Rev. David Wilkerson, who died in a traffic accident in the Dallas area on April 27, 2011, founded Times Square Church in New York City. Perhaps you’re familiar with his most famous book, The Cross and the Switchblade (1963).

In 1998, I read Wilkerson’s (then) new book: America’s Last Call: On the Brink of a Financial Holocaust. Since many people thought Wilkerson had the gift of prophesy, I found this scary book to be insightful.

In brief, Wilkerson thought God would bring His wrath (judgment) on the world soon, with particular emphasis on the U.S. Wilkerson said when God brought His wrath in Old Testament times, it was immediately preceded by a period of great prosperity; that is, God was giving His people a final opportunity to repent to prevent the wrath.

As of 1998, the world had had some 16 years of great prosperity. With three brief interruptions – late 1987, 2000-02 and 2008-early 2009 – worldwide prosperity continued at a strong pace until the S&P 500 reached an all-time high on February 19, 2020, only about one month ago.

As a stock market historian, I can tell you that from mid August 1982 to mid February 2020 (37½ years), the S&P 500 gained a whopping 32 fold.

That’s the most prolonged period of prosperity in U.S. history, by far. I also can tell you that from February 19, 2020 to March 20, 2020 (22 trading days), the S&P 500 fell 31.9% – the swiftest decline in U.S. history.

So if the coronavirus is indeed God’s wrath, God’s prerequisite of great prosperity was definitely met.

Here are some reasons Wilkerson thought God would soon (1998) bring His wrath on the U.S. (I updated his 1998 list a bit):

  • Some 60 million babies have been aborted under Roe v. Wade since 1973.
  • Prayer has been taken out of public schools, and invocations are no longer allowed at the beginning of high school sporting events and the like.
  • At one time “under God” was actually removed from the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Proposals have been made to remove “In God We Trust” from U.S. currency.
  • The greeting “Merry Christmas” was widely thought to be politically incorrect and offensive.
  • Homosexual pastors have been enthusiastically ordained by several mainline Christian denominations.
  • The Supreme Court has legalized same-sex marriages.

While the bullet points tend to be the Law of the Land, they are all absolutely contrary to the Bible’s teachings.

So, you can decide for yourself if the coronavirus is God’s wrath. Personally, I think it is. If I’m correct, the world might experience far worse consequences (than are being felt today, March 23, 2020) before God’s wrath ends. I say: Repent now

America, repent!