America needs to re-elect President Donald J. Trump and here’s why.
First, he has done a good job of draining the “Swamp.“ Despite an attempted coup by the Democrats, he resurrected our economy, he restored respect for America abroad with trade deals and he has worked tirelessly to guide us through a deadly pandemic. On the other hand, Joe Biden did nothing for his 47 years in Washington, D.C. His policies would wreck our economy. He would not protect unborn children. And more and more is being revealed about his shady contacts with China for the financial benefit of his family.
Biden is Bill Clinton without the sex scandal.
In Oklahoma, voters need to reject State Question 805. This is a blatant attempt to empty our prisons of repeat offenders. Law enforcement universally agrees this would increase crime. This amendment is so bad that it could not win passage in the Oklahoma Legislature.
Tulsans need to elect Cody Rogers in Oklahoma Senate District 37 and send Sen. Allison Ikley-Freeman packing.
Ikley-Freeman won that seat in a special election that had a very low turnout. She cleverly hid the fact that she was married to another woman. Ikley-Freeman is one of the most liberal senators in the state and she is not a moral example.
Sen. Stephanie Bice, R-Oklahoma, needs to unseat U.S. Rep. Kendra Horn, D-Oklahoma. Horn voted to impeach Trump and she voted for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House.
That’s all you need to know about her.
There are other important votes and we have listed our endorsements. This is a vital election and Christians of good faith need to pray that God will choose the best candidates.