In Matthew 18:1-11 in the sermon on the child text, Jesus spoke about who was greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. He called a little child unto Him and said, “Except you be converted and become as a little child, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But he that humbles himself as a little child is the greatest in the Kingdom Heaven.”
Jesus said, however, if you shall offend one of these little ones, which believe in Me, it would be better for you to have a millstone hung around your neck and tossed and into the depth of the sea.
Woe to the world because of offenses. Even though differences will come, woe to him b whom these offenses come.
Offense are being perpetrated on our school children by so-called “professionals” in the school system, causing children to stumble from truth. As parents, we have the right to be upset to see this happening.
There are choices to make on life’s journey here on earth. Truth is God’s way. Falsehood and lies are Satan’s ways. Choose which way you will go but do not take our children your way. Children have the right to love God and express that love.
God is not being allowed into our schools because that might offend some. The Critical Race Theory being proposed is offense to truth. Christians and God Almighty are offended by these falsehoods.
God created all things. He is over all and He sees what is going on. CRT should stand for “Critical Repentance Time. America: God was and is your future generation. Turn back to Him. Repent.