Virtual Reality has sucked the American people into a non-existent parallel universe.

Things that are not real, things that do not even exist, are now being presented in such a realistic way that we’ve become accustomed to accepting and believing. 

For example: When you watch a sporting event on TV, the crowd noise is so loud you can barely hear the play-by-play commentators.  But when the camera is turned on the spectators sitting in the stadium, the seats are almost completely empty – there is no crowd making that noise – it’s all coming from a recorded sound track.  And in many stadiums, real people have been replaced by cardboard characterizations of what real people might look like.

And to further add insult to injury, the play-by-play commentators are oftentimes not even at the game themselves. Instead, they’re sitting at some remote location, watching the game on a TV monitor, just like you and me.

Our kids can no longer attend public schools and learn how to relate with other kids.  Instead, government-run health department “experts” have ordered our kids to either stay home, or go to a daycare center that they’ve approved, where our kids sit and stare at a computer screen all day long.  Our government-run public school “educators” have given this a nice-sounding name, Distant Learning, but still claim to be understaffed and underpaid. 

Many church buildings are sitting mostly empty on Sunday mornings because of “social distancing” mandates issued by the “experts” from the health department.  And many pastors seemed to be pleased with reports that “thousands of people all around the world” are watching their church services via the Internet, even though the church sanctuary is almost empty.

How do these pastors know that thousands of people are watching their services?  Their Internet provider gives them computer generated analytics telling them so . . . and they believe it.

In-person shopping, even for groceries, is almost a thing of the past.  Long established brick and mortar stores like Sears, J.C. Penney, and Macy’s are closing their doors and laying off workers because more people are shopping online – and believe it or not, more and more people are even depositing their paychecks in online “virtual banks.”

Even the security of our election system has been compromised by the artificial intelligence of our computerized virtual reality world.  It has been reported that an unproven software system called Dominion Voting Systems “malfunctioned” during the 2020 presidential election and changed some voter ballots from Trump to Biden.

Dominion Voting Systems was used in at least twenty-four (24) different states.  Dominion executives admit there were some problems, but they insist, there are no credible reports, or evidence, to indicated the problems were widespread.  (Seems like we’ve heard this explanation before).

President Trump has filed lawsuits in five of those states contesting their vote count accuracy.

Artificial intelligence is pulling us into a world that doesn’t really exist – it only appears to exist through the magic of “virtual reality”.  And the frightening fact is this:  This imaginary world is controlled by a handful of billionaires; Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Sundar Pichai (Google), Susan Wojcicki (YouTubeTV) – and it must be noted: Google owns YouTube, and Alphabet Inc. is the parent company of Google, and is owned by billionaires Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Wake up America!  We have given these seven people way, way too much power over what we see, hear, speak, think, and now, how we vote.  Pray for God to intercede in this demonic attempt to corrupt and control the minds and the lives of the American people.