Does everyone get fair treatment in America?

The answer is no.

Are there corrupt police officers?

The answer is yes.

Are violent protests the solution?

The answer is no.

Racial prejudice exists in every nation. It’s a sad reality. It exists in the United States, some places are better, some are worse.

Our system of justice, though imperfect, is the best system ever devised by man. We incorporate some key elements, including that people are innocent until proven guilty, that you can’t be charged with the same crime twice and that you have a right to confront your accuser.

Corruption has always filtered through the system from judges all the way down to the cop on the street.

The answer is to expose police misconduct and punish those who have broken the law.

Unfortunately, in our divided country, there are elements that quickly seize on isolated cases of misjustice to advance their form of anarchy and chaos. Their hope is that civil authority in America will dissolve and they will come out on top of a new government. These groups get millions of dollars from progressive backers.

They want to get rid of President Trump. They want to smash windows, set fires and steal TVs.

What is the solution?

The change must come in the hearts of men. And apart from faith in Jesus Christ, that transformation is absent.

The real reason why races collide is because they ignore the Bible which teaches that all men are created equal. They disdain our founding documents and that all men are endowed by their Creator by certain inalienable rights.

If complete racial justice is the goal, then these conflicts will never cease. Again, racial divides will evaporate if men and women will seek God and His solutions.