New York has taken a strong stand against the sanctity of life and religious freedom.  They have passed three new state laws that will intrude into every person’s life.

Reproductive Health Act (SB 240) extended legal abortions through 24 weeks of pregnancy, or until birth, if the baby is deemed to have an “absence of fetal viability.”  It also removed the homicide protection for unborn children; i.e., if the mother is murdered and the baby dies, the murderer is not charged with the baby’s death.

Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act (SB 659A) specifies that employee healthcare plans in New York must fully pay for contraception for all their employees – and this includes medications that can end a pregnancy.  Under this law there are no exceptions, and no opt-outs for companies or persons because of their religious beliefs.    

Non-Discrimination Act (SB 660) ends the ability of churches, schools, hospitals, and all other religious businesses to employ only people who share their same beliefs about sexuality, family planning, or abortion.  In other words, Catholic or Baptist churches, schools, hospitals, day-care centers, book stores, food pantries, etc., cannot refuse employment to a practicing homosexual, a cross-dresser, a transgender, a pro-abortion advocate, a Muslim, a Mormon, or even an Atheist.

This is a direct attack on religious freedom.  In fact, this is discrimination against religion. 

But that should be no surprise, because the U.S. House of Representatives, under Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, passed the Equality Act (HR 5) on May 17, 2019, which provides even greater protection to LGBTQ+ persons, and even extends into housing and public accommodations.

Pelosi’s bill also penalizes pastors who dare to preach against the sins of a homosexual lifestyle, against same-sex marriage, or oppose abortion — and it even extends to individuals who write, or publically speak out against these sins. 

Pelosi’s bill was sent to the U.S. Senate in May 2019.  Let us pray that it dies in a Senate committee.  If President Trump is still president, this bill will never be signed into law . . . But if we get a Democrat president, you can be assured it will quickly become the law of the land.   

God Help Us.