Just when you think the morality in Hollywood can’t sink any lower, a new standard is reached.

This month, Universal Studios is releasing The Hunt, a graphic and very violent film that shows people hunting other people for sport.

In The Hunt, rich elitists fly to a resort where a dozen people – who are political conservatives – are trapped after being kidnapped. The victims are made to resemble Hollywood’s view of supporters of President Trump.

The victims are set loose in a game preserve and hunted like animals. The hunters call their victims “deplorables” – a reference Hillary Clinton made about Trump supporters in the 2016 presidential campaign.

It is an evil and Satanic movie.

The working title of the film was Red State vs. Blue State.

The Hollywood crowd is incredibly hypocritical. They scream for the removal of guns from law-abiding citizens after the series of mass murders by madmen. Yet, they glamorize the destruction of human beings simply because they hold a different political view. And the killing is for sport.

(Progressives – especially Democrats running for president – also push class envy and try to gin up hatred for rich people. But in this film, being rich and killing Trump supports is applauded.)

This movie is way out of line. Certainly, some mentally disturbed people will see it in a theater and use it for justification for attacking innocent Americans.

Don’t go see The Hunt. Forbid your kids from watching it and if they ask about it, point out the evil message and danger of following Hollywood.