It seems to me that those on the ‘left side of the aisles’ tend to become more and more vehement and uncivil when they feel that they are facing a losing battle in their efforts to secure absolute power over the rest of the population. 

And that is true whether in the United States or other relatively free nations around the world.  The most recent example of this is the loud and rather uncivil complaining that has been going on, not only from the more verbose members of both houses of Congress left of the aisle but from the publicity pundits and die-hard supporters in the so-called “major media.”

It appears that they really have no agenda on which to base a campaign so all that is left is the so-called “politics of personal destruction” consisting mostly of lying statements of imagined wrong doing by their opponents.  The reality is that the historical practice of those of the C/F/S  frame of mind around the world is to loudly and repeatedly accuse the other side of doing exactly what they are, or intend to start, doing.  Also, it is the long-time practice of those to usurp words normally and/or previously having a meaning to the majority of the population (especially those of us of the more advanced ages) that is totally different from that for which they are using them.  In short, the title of an old song of the 1920s Anything Goes is quite fitting for a description of their conduct and language.

A re-read of the Sol Alinsky list of  “rules for uprisings” indicates they are, and have been for a number of years, being followed closely. 

First, the education system was infiltrated with dedicated (or brainwashed in education college courses) socialist-believing but totally misguided individuals.  By and large, these folks have little to zero knowledge of how business and industry must operate or even profit and loss.  The ones ending up in the education system are destroying it and sending out graduates who really have no knowledge of the history of nations, particularly ours, with its very special first of its kind Constitution.

This marvelous document, prepared in my opinion by truly inspired men, established the United States to be a “constitutional representative republic,” and most importantly, not a “democracy.”  It’s make up, (even to a first time reader) indicates that it is designed to establish limits on the power of government and its operators.  The rights spelled out therein are stated to be “established” by God and just guaranteed by the Constitution as the prime law of the land.

Unfortunately, the last several decades, probably more than 10, have seen these claiming to be “progressives” but really “regressives” who desire to return to the despotic type of rule that has been pervasive throughout civilized history.

It chills me to see how local and state governing individuals will stand out of the way, and even order law enforcement to stand down and let rioters run freely about destroying and burning property that belongs to other, much more honest and civil individuals and groups. 

Said officeholders, whether elected, appointed or employed should be brought to trial for malfeasance and discharged and/or incarcerated.  Hopefully PRESDT-45 will prevail in his promised project to “drain the swamp.”  Even now there are almost daily disclosures of the corruption that has been seemingly endemic in the national law enforcement ranks (and they sure have been rank!).

Examples of the mess are the daily rantings of top-level leaders in the Democrat Party, particularly in the House, now that they have a majority, pushing for impeachment.  There is some reasoning for that, since they may be waking up to the likelihood that it would be the only way that they can increase their desired level of power over the rest of us.  Again, they are making accusations of their opponents, without justification, doing the very things they have been doing all along.

The election next year will demand that all sensible-thinking individuals be on the watch for massive vote fraud, in many forms, in the attempts to regain total control of the government.  My hope springs eternal and there is some confidence that the pendulum will continue, with God’s help, to swing to the right.