Most church people will tell you we are living in the last of the last days. Therefore it’s normal to wonder what the future holds.
In the 24th chapter of Matthew, Jesus said the last days would be shortened to keep the Elect from being deceived . However , Jesus didn ‘t say how those days will be shortened.
In this I will suggest a possible way the last days will be shortened. This possibility is based on fact, and not theory or opinion.
The first thing to do is get a KJV Bible, and turn to the 1st chapter of Ecclesiastes, and read verses 9 and 10.
One summer evening, there was a headline on the front page of my Tribune newspaper that said I” Poles shift ten feet.”
Is this the way these last days will be shortened?
The question at this point is has a shift happened before? after all, there is no record of a shifting of the Poles. However, that means nothing.
In Italy is a city called Venice, and it is in a body of water. Where did the water come from? Is the water salty or fresh? Did those who built the buildings lay the foundations dor those buildings under the water? Fact: It snows at the South Pole. The snow turns to ice. The ice accumulates.
Question: Can ice accumulate at the South Pole for 6,000 years, and not affect the balance of the earth? Does a shifting of the Poles hinder Bible prophecy? not really. This is because the natural law of Cause and Effect doesn’t hinder Bible prophecy.
Believers who are born-again will be forewarned before a shift happens, and the Rapture of His Church will happen before the shift. The disappearance of Church people, and those who don’t survive the shift will leave only millions instead of billions on earth to start over.
The answer? Get ready for the Rapture. The day or hour. no man knows.