Is the government’s $2.2 trillion bailout for the coronavirus another giant step toward socialism?
One clue could be that Sen. Bernie Sanders, an avowed “Socialist Democrat,” voted for it.
Everybody seems to think it’s a good idea – even most fiscal conservatives.
The government shut down vast amounts of the nation’s economy and caused massive layoffs. Companies and individuals suffered fiscally through no fault of their own.
Even those who weathered the coronavirus storm in a comfortable fashion like the bailout because they are going to get a $1,200 check from Uncle Sam. Payments are delayed. Foreclosures are forestalled. Small businesses and big businesses (airlines, cruise lines, etc.) are getting help.
It seems like this bill helps everyone except the very rich.
Here’s the fly in the ointment.
How is the government going to pay for this? This is $2,200,000,000,000. That’s a lot of money.
Is the government just going to print a bunch of money? That’s seems to be what is happening. And while this bailout will help the stock market and most people in the nation, somebody has to pay the bill.
Who will that be?
Socialism offers that the government will take care of every problem. But socialism doesn’t deliver on that promise. It never has and it never will because socialism kills initiative and therefore productivity.
Baby boomers grew up with the idea that you don’t want to be reliant on the government. The goal is to be self-reliant.
By printing piles and piles of cash and subsequently buying votes, we may be making Sanders’ fantasy of a social America closer to reality.