The early morning talk show on April 16 and preceding news at 5 a.m. was full of stories about the sudden fire in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and how much damage had appeared to be done. Early reports were that the French officials would not call it other than “perhaps an accident from the repair and restoration work in progress.” The church building reportedly took 200 years to construct and is likely 900 years old.
Of course, my immediate thought was that it probably was a terrorist reaction to the recent defeats suffered by the forces of ISIS in the Middle East. Also, one report was that it took the fire department two hours to arrive on the scene. That would not be acceptable here in the United States.
As is normal in such cases, the more information that was received seemed to indicate my first thought to be more likely. A later story, reported on air, but not in national networks, was that there had been a series of at least 12 damaging attacks on churches, particularly Roman Catholic, throughout France in the previous month. And, of course, this all during and leading up to, one of the most Holy weeks in the Christian calendar which culminates in Easter, this year on April 21.
It seems to be a pattern of the more violent Islamic factions to strike during such times, and where they can gain the most publicity, damage and feeling of victory over the “infidels” – that is anyone who is not a Muslim.
Also, over the centuries since it was founded by the “Prophet” Mohammad in the seventh century, it has been their practice, ordered by him, to destroy and remove any and all evidences of any other religion or local accomplishments as soon as they are successful in attaining dominance over a territory. In this practice, a large number of historically important and informative items, as well as statues, have been obliterated so as to no longer be of any educational or scientific use to humanity.
Now here in the United States of America, we have followers of that religion actually seated in our Houses of Congress, elected mayors, and seated as judges in court. Some may very well be dedicated to our ways and acting properly in discharging the duties of the respective position. However, we have an ongoing example of at least one, a woman from Minnesota, who eagerly never misses a chance to, very often falsely, throw diatribes at PRESDT-45 or specific laws, including the Constitution.
This will probably increase in the future if we of the “nation of laws” do not become more active, aggressive, and numerous beginning in the near future. Their goal is actually a revolution!
We must face it; there is a worldwide all-out war on Christianity, as well as Judaism, by those following, in my opinion, the forces of evil. Part of our problem is the rather speedy progression of very strongly misleading non-truth being taught in the public (government) schools of our nation. In fact, it appalls me to see the lack of historical knowledge displayed by those coming out of our public schools. There are, in fact, instances where early grade school students even being taught to believe in Islam and to disregard their parents’ faith as old-fashioned. That despite a recent Supreme Court ruling that outlaws the teaching of any religion in the government-operated (public) schools.
Another problem, which we face here, is the overwhelming invasion that they and we, have and are experiencing of masses of people, many of whom were criminals formerly, and all of whom become criminals simply by the violation of our border and immigration laws. PRESDT-45 has it right – the wall must be built.
Even those who profess no particular faith should become aware of the danger to all of us by this swelling move to non-religion and hedonistic society.
It will lead to a vacuum which would be eagerly filled by those determined to institute a dictatorship form of government which in turn would lead to serfdom and even midnight deaths for the rest of us. I take some comfort in the attitudes shown by our president and, in Oklahoma, our governor. With the help of God, we can prevail.