A group of atheists is trying to prevent school children in Kentucky from visiting the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.
They sent letters to some schools surrounding the museum with a warning that they shouldn’t take students on field trips there because all public school events should be “secular.”
They want students to be taught that only the theory of evolution – that man evolved from ape-like creatures – be taught and that schools have no Christian influence.
They ignore the U.S. Constitution, which allows students to explore differing viewpoints.
Ken Ham, the CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis, said children already get “evolutionary and atheistic indoctrination … five days a week for the whole school year.”
The only way that a public school would violated the Establishment Clause of the Constitution would be if teachers told students that this is the only true interpretation and that they must accept Jesus Christ.
In other words, there is nothing wrong with a visit to the museum but it is an exceptional educational and cultural experience.
It is a parallel principle to the teaching of the Bible in public schools, which is completely constitutional even though school boards and administrators all over the nation forbid it.
This is a bullying tactic by the secular humanists (atheists) who want students to be indoctrinated – not taught – only the “facts” that they adhere to.
The rate of Biblical illiteracy in America is getting worse. When the United States was founded, the Bible was the primary textbook. Our legal system is based on principles from the Bible.
The field trips should continue unhindered.