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The Tulsa Beacon


Andrew Dennehy


Letter: Profiling by the Left

Tulsa Beacon

For many years Leftists (Including the mainstream media) have referred to conservatives as “Right Wing Extremists”, “White Supremists”, and “Domestic Terrorists”.  Though such phrases were falsely leveled against Individuals on the right, the terms themselves did equate to Fringe elements which were known to exist on the outskirts of society.  (For Example, Groups such as…

Letter: Make peace with your Creator today!

Tulsa Beacon

There is one True Religion.  Many “Visible” False Religions, as well as an “Invisible” Religion which claims all Religions are equal!  Such allows People of any Faith to be badmouthed, Yet only those of the True Gospel seem to be targeted.  When Christ returns, Those of an “eclectic” nature will learn that Gods kingdom is…

Letter: If dogs could vote

Tulsa Beacon

If Dogs could vote they would most certainly be Republicans. (1)  Dogs are very protective of their offspring.  So they would not support abortion, or allow strangers to brainwash their pups with perverted Ideology. (2)  Dogs Love meat too much to be vegans. (3)  Dogs are very defensive when it comes to their belongings (such…

Editorial: Gambling with Eternal Destiny

Tulsa Beacon

It’s Puzzling that “Highly Educated” Leaders of Society, such as Government officials and School Administrators are capable of being so Foolish as to “Gamble with their Eternal Destiny”.  These same Individuals would not drive down the street in a Fancy Sports Car which was “Uninsured”, yet they casually dismiss the proof of God that is…

Editorial: Creepy Television Commercials

Tulsa Beacon

As Christians we acknowledge God and view His creation as wonderful, which is why children are considered Precious.  Yet Liberals admit to being total Heathens who view every aspect of society From a demented “sexorgy Perspective”, so when these “Sick Minded” Individuals exploit children on Television Commercials it comes across as “creepy”.  Because there is…

Letter: The cleverly devised myths of liberalism

Tulsa Beacon

Dear Editor: The Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 1:16 states “For we did not Follow Cleverly Devised Myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ But were Eyewitnesses of His Majesty.”  This Indicates That Not only did the disciples of God see The Miracles of Jesus with…

Letter: Actions and reactions

Tulsa Beacon

Dear Editor: It’s a scientific Fact that every action has a reaction, and unfortunately this law of physics applies to the political realm as well. Liberal Pundits are quick to accuse conservatives of being “Violent Fascists.”  Yet they fail to psychologically Grasp the Fact that much of the anger on the Right is simply a…

Letter: Constitution is under assault

Tulsa Beacon

Over the past century, it has been liberal fallacy of viewing our Constitution as a “living/breathing document” which permitted such abominations as abortion and homosexuality to be legalized. If a country’s constitution can simply be rewritten at any time against the desires of the voting public, then there is no point in even having such…

Letter: The problem with anarchy

Tulsa Beacon

The thought of anarchy sounds attractive to many rebellious teenagers due to the fact that pop culture has brainwashed them into despising authority. This notion of living in a world without laws conjures up a romantic vision of freedom within the minds of uninformed individuals who have never studied history. There’s an old saying that…

Letter: Indian symbols

Tulsa Beacon

If wealthy liberals like (Tulsa School Superintendent) Deborah Gist and Ginnie Graham (Tulsa World) are offended by school mascots which depict Native American in a proud or heroic manner (such as chiefs, warriors, braves, etc.), then maybe they are the racist culprits who dislike the Native Community in general. Perhaps they are attempting to culturally…