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The Tulsa Beacon


Charles Biggs


Tulsa Beacon

When you devalue human life, consequences will result

Tulsa Beacon

When the government considers the life of an unborn child worthless, there are consequences that follow.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Democrat officials of the State of New York rejoiced earlier this year as that state passed the most liberal abortion law in the nation. Basically, the new law allows the murder of an unborn child…

No need for a new definition of the Great American Dream

Tulsa Beacon

What is the “Great American Dream?” When I was growing up, that meant that you could do whatever you wanted to with a large measure of freedom and a chance for great success. For other Americans, that dream is for a large central government that provide, housing, clothing, food, jobs, health care, free cell phones…

The untold truth about pot and violent mental illness

Tulsa Beacon

There is a proven relationship between marijuana usage and psychosis that leads to violence. People who are schizophrenic are only moderately likely to become more violent than healthy people when they are taking antipsychotic medicine and avoiding recreational drugs. But when they use drugs, the risk of violence skyrockets. That is one point made by…

Be careful about giving unusual Valentine’s Day gifts

Tulsa Beacon

For almost 37 years, for Valentines Day I have: Bought my wife red roses. Purchased a romantic Hallmark card. Given her a box of chocolate candy. Taken her out to eat at a nice restaurant. That’s pretty much my plan for 2019 and years beyond. But these days, there are some clever options for Valentines…

After 50 years of work, I finally signed up for Medicare

Tulsa Beacon

After turning 65 in November, I recently signed up for Medicare. At first, I didn’t want to. I was perfectly satisfied with using Samaritan Ministries. It is not an insurance program but rather Christian organization that shares expenses. It works very well and we have saved thousands of dollars in monthly costs and medical costs…

Watching a Super Bowl can become a bit complicated

Tulsa Beacon

These days, I watch the Super Bowl more for the commercials than for the game itself. Some of them are pretty funny and very creative. Lately, though, some are way too political for my taste. I used to be a Dallas Cowboy fan but my interest has waned. The Cowboys did win a playoff game…

NFL is ‘not for long’ for some players with Oklahoma ties

Tulsa Beacon

I used to be a big Dallas Cowboy fan but I have lost interest. It’s not that I don’t root for Dallas, it’s just that they don’t have any players that draw my interest. I loved to watch former Dallas quarterback Tony Romo. He was an escape artist and he was deadly accurate with his…

We had smooth sailing on a Carnival Christmas cruise

Tulsa Beacon

Taking an ocean cruise is like being rich for seven days. In December, we booked passage on Carnival’s Vista and set sail out of Galveston, Texas, with destinations in Honduras, Belize and Cozumel, Mexico. We took our two sons and daughter-in-law. Our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter couldn’t join us due to his starting a new…

A look back at my previous January prediction columns

Tulsa Beacon

Here are some of my past predictions and New Year’s resolutions. In January of 2011 I wrote: Here are my New Year resolutions. I will pray for my son Brian every day, especially when he deploys to Afghanistan with the Oklahoma National Guard. I will try to buy fewer products made in China. I will…

The message of Christmas? Reconciliation with Christ

Tulsa Beacon

Christmas is not about giving. Christmas is not about peace on Earth. Christmas is not about family. Christmas is not a little baby. These are all of elements of how we celebrate Christmas in America. But the core of Christmas is that God took the form of man and in humility was born of a…