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The Tulsa Beacon


Charles Biggs


Tulsa Beacon

Ageless Paul McCartney revisits the Beatles in OKC gig

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Paul McCartney opened his concert here Monday night with a rousing performance of the Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night. But the 75-year-old McCartney didn’t make it seem hard for him to captivate a nearly sold-out audience for almost three hours. And it wasn’t hard to enjoy this energy packed concert. McCartney, who…

Sight & Sound in Branson spotlights the saga of Moses

Tulsa Beacon

BRANSON, Missouri – “Let My people go.” Throughout the history of the Hebrew nation, the story of how God delivered the Israelites from slavery into the Promised Land has been inspiration for Jews and Christians. That story is being brought to life daily here in the Sight & Sound Theatre’s spectacular musical production of Moses….

The Showboat Branson Belle concert cruise has all you want

Tulsa Beacon

BRANSON, Missouri – Fine food, fun, fantastic music and a relaxing concert cruise over Table Rock Lake are the hallmarks of the Showboat Branson Belle. You can hardly tell when the 700-passenger paddle-wheeler eases away from the dock. The excitement begins when the show starts. The Showboat Branson Belle adventure begins with a great meal…

Pierce Arrow serves up great music, comedy and a warm Christmas show

Tulsa Beacon

BRANSON, Mo. – They shoot straight at Pierce Arrow. Pierce Arrow, one of the most popular shows in Branson, has a great blend of music, comedy and Christmas spirit. Four vocalists – Tony Turner, Travis Spratt, Scott Fraker and Dan Britton – have amazing range. And even though Pierce Arrow has a distinctive Christian atmosphere,…

Christmas is a special occasion at Silver Dollar City

Tulsa Beacon

BRANSON, Mo. – Visiting Silver Dollar City during the Christmas season is like a trip back in time to better days. With the arrival of cooler temperatures, it was wonderful to see the lighting of the gigantic five-story Christmas tree in the Main Street Square. It was almost as much fun to see the faces…

Fun, fun, fun at Silver Dollar City

Tulsa Beacon

BRANSON, Mo. – Every trip to Silver Dollar involves a wonderful new discovery. Just 200 miles from Tulsa, Silver Dollar City is a great destination for a weekend trip from Oklahoma. Where else can you get a taste of the Ozarks, top-notch entertainment, rides for the kids, handmade crafts and lots of fun for all…

Jim Stafford returns to Branson to celebrate his twenty-fifth season

Tulsa Beacon

BRANSON, Mo. – It took Jim Stafford 26 years to get in 25 years of entertaining in Branson. After a one-year hiatus in 2014, the affable singer/song writer/guitarist/comedian is back on stage in the heart of the Branson entertainment district. And his long-time fans are really glad. Stafford has consistently been one of the most…

Expanded attractions await visitors to Silver Dollar City

Tulsa Beacon

BRANSON, Mo. – Silver Dollar City has never lacked for rides, entertainment and culture. Now it has even more. Families have no worries here about the wholesome nature of Silver Dollar City – and the great fun during the Star Spangled Summer of 2015. This year, Silver Dollar City opened Fireman’s Landing, an $8 million…