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The Tulsa Beacon


DJ Day

The Reformed Progressive on… Transsexual Children

Tulsa Beacon

True story: I once held a fundraiser for trans-sexual children … and no one showed up. Back in the big blue city I was goaded into holding a fund-raiser for a charity which helped transsexual children who had left their homes. The event featured two high-profile politicians and a bevy of well-known local DJs. I…

The Reformed Progressive on climate change

Tulsa Beacon

As embarrassing as it is to admit, I was deep into the climate change cult. As a former journalist with a discerning mind, I kept my head above water (so to speak) on the issue until around 2012, wherein social media became a driving force of human opinion, “community,” and crowd-sourced truth. In my mind…

A Reformed Progressive on Medicare for all

Tulsa Beacon

“Medicare-for-all” is a total pipe dream. American exceptionalism holds that we are a singular country on the international stage, and with regard to healthcare this is a natural fact. Never mind the solid arguments regarding Americans and her diversity of healthcare needs (unlike Sweden), nevermind the gargantuan landscape of America and its own challenges in…