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The Tulsa Beacon


Hance Dilbeck

Oklahoma Baptists’ Executive Director-Treasurer

Churches should take time when re-opening services

Tulsa Beacon

Our patterns of life have been changed this spring—school cancelled, work altered, agendas changed and events postponed. Our lives were driven by important pursuits like winning a championship, walking down an aisle or donning a cap and gown. Our days were consumed by less important things like weekend trips or little league games. The pattern…

Repent, believe, follow

Tulsa Beacon

Confusion needs clarity; complexity calls for simplicity. As our circumstances grow cloudy, we should search for the big, bright lights to guide our steps. Pastors who are working to shepherd God’s flock in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis should allow big, bright Gospel lights to guide their work. As you pray and preach and…