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The Tulsa Beacon


Jeff Brucculeri

Jeff Brucculeri is a freelance writer and broadcaster. You can contact him at [email protected], or follow him on Twitter @JeffBSports.

Some surprises popped up in basketball signings and transfers

Tulsa Beacon

I don’t usually write about college basketball signings, but there has been some interesting news out of the local college athletic departments, and some interesting names have popped up in the press releases. The most shocking signing, at least to me, is of sophomore transfer Maya Mayberry with the University of Tulsa women’s basketball team….

The Quarantine Files

Tulsa Beacon

Here’s how to visit some great museums without leaving your home While we are all sitting at home, with very little opportunity to travel and sightsee, I’ve found a great way to visit some of the best museums in the world; virtual tours. Most museums have, at the very least, some photos of their exhibits,…

Watching shows about ‘The Bird’ Fidrych, Billy Martin

Tulsa Beacon

Besides trying to get some badly needed yard work done, and do some other work around the house, the past couple of weeks has afforded my wife and me a lot of time to watch television. Along with watching the occasional classic Major League Baseball or National Hockey League game from the 1970s or 1980s,…

The Quarantine Files

Tulsa Beacon

This is the first in a series of columns aimed at providing a behind the scenes look, and hopefully a more positive view, of how some people are coping with being quarantined, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You probably already know – Hollywood production companies have shutdown operations. Most television shows are not being taped…

Good news from ORU overshadowed by loss of Wayne Otto

Tulsa Beacon

Some good news and some bad news came from the Oral Roberts University Athletic Department last week; Director of Sports Medicine, John Joslin, became a hall of famer, and longtime fan Wayne Otto passed away. Joslin has served in the sports medicine department at ORU since 2008, and was recently named as an inductee into…

Legendary Harlem Globetrotter Curly Neal passes away at 77

Tulsa Beacon

I had only met Fred “Curly” Neal twice, but like so many people around the world, I loved him and was a huge fan. The former dribbler with the Harlem Globetrotters died last week (March 26) at the age of 77, at his home outside Houston. Neal’s ballhandling skills were legendary, and he learned from…

Thanks to Alyssa, I’m writing about the Shootout in Chicago

Tulsa Beacon

As I wrote last week, the COVID-19 coronavirus has had a huge impact on our world, and more specifically the world of sports, and personally, my bank account. This week, it became evident that even the sports networks are scrambling to find programming to fill their hours. However, with the lack of live games to…

Coronavirus has a wide sports impact

Tulsa Beacon

COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, is having a huge impact on businesses and communities all around the world, but this column will focus only on the impact of this virus on the world of sports. You may want to wash your hands and use some sanitizer before reading this column. I can assure you,…

It’s Barry Sanders, not Bernie Sanders, stupid

Tulsa Beacon

This is a national election year, with the Presidential election coming up in November, and regardless of party affiliation, it seems everyone is hyper-sensitive about the messages their receiving from the media, the candidates, and celebrities. Case in point – Garth Brooks. For several years now, awards shows have become one political speech after another….

A hockey miracle happened 40 years ago

Tulsa Beacon

Friday evening, February 22, 1980, I had just finished eating dinner and had tuned our black-and-white RCA console television to WKBW-Channel 7, the ABC affiliate in Buffalo. I was 15 years old, and already a huge hockey fan, but more than that, I loved watching the Winter Olympics, and this evening the USA hockey team…