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The Tulsa Beacon


Ray Carter

Center for Independent Journalism

Ray Carter is the director of OCPA’s Center for Independent Journalism.

Oklahoma income-tax repeal advances

Tulsa Beacon

Legislation that would put Oklahoma’s personal income tax on a gradual path to full repeal is now headed to the floor of the Oklahoma House of Representatives. House Bill 1539, by state Rep. Mark Lepak, R-Claremore, would cut the state’s personal income-tax rate by a quarter point each time that net state revenue increases by…

OK bill requiring 50% of school budgets for classroom learning moves forward amid opposition from school lobby group

Tulsa Beacon

Legislation that would require schools to devote at least half their budget to classroom learning is headed to a vote of the full Oklahoma House of Representatives, but the bill continues to receive opposition from education entities that argue even less money should be spent on direct student learning. As originally filed, House Bill 1280,…

OK income-tax repeal moves ahead in House

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahomans could see the personal income tax fully eliminated through a gradual phaseout process under legislation that has cleared its first legislative hurdle. House Bill 1539, by state Rep. Mark Lepak, R-Claremore, would cut the state’s personal income-tax rate by a quarter point each time that net state revenue increases by at least $300 million….

Jenks Schools says: ‘Gender’ lesson an enrollment mistake

Tulsa Beacon

During a recent weather-related “virtual” day in the Jenks school district, some parents got a glimpse of course content—and didn’t like what they saw. One lesson informed students that sex and gender are two different things. Images from that online course quickly spread on social media. A Jenks spokesman says that course content is the…

Stitt shows how to cut taxes during ‘down’ year

Tulsa Beacon

When Gov. Kevin Stitt announced that he wants to cut the state’s personal income tax from 4.75 percent to 4.25 percent this year, some officials scoffed. House Democratic Leader Cyndi Munson of Oklahoma City dismissed the tax-cut proposal, saying the state is projected to have $300 million less revenue this year than last year. Senate…

OK House, Senate advance school-board election reform

Tulsa Beacon

Committees in both the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the state Senate have advanced bills that would move school-board elections to the November ballot to dramatically increase voter participation. House Bill 1151, by state Rep. Chris Banning, R-Bixby, would shift school board elections to June and November from the current February and April election dates….

Oklahoma House, Senate advance School-Board Election Reforms

Tulsa Beacon

Committees in both the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the state Senate have advanced bills that would move school-board elections to the November ballot to dramatically increase voter participation. House Bill 1151, by state Rep. Chris Banning, R-Bixby, would shift school board elections to June and November from the current February and April election dates….

Stitt calls for tax cuts, spending restraint

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt called on lawmakers to cut Oklahoma’s personal income tax by a half-point, restrain spending, and preserve state savings in his annual State of the State address. “We have a mandate to support and pass conservative, limited-government legislation that makes the American Dream possible for all four million Oklahomans,” Stitt said. The governor’s…

Bills to repeal Oklahoma Income Tax Increase In Number

Tulsa Beacon

Another state lawmaker is urging his colleagues to repeal Oklahoma’s personal income tax, which is often referred to as the state’s penalty on work and investment. State Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, has filed two bills that would get rid of the personal income tax, either in one fell swoop or gradually over time. Senate Bill…

Sen. Education Committee Leaders Seek Longer School Year, Other Reforms

Tulsa Beacon

The leaders of the Senate Education Committee have unveiled a wide range of bills that would address problems in Oklahoma’s K-12 and college-education systems. The proposed agenda includes lengthening the school year in Oklahoma to meet national norms, moving school-board elections to boost public input, and eliminating “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) programs on college…