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The Tulsa Beacon


Tom Harris

Tom Harris is Executive Director of ICSC and a policy advisor to Heartland.

The government should reconsider all energy subsidies

Tulsa Beacon

As governments struggle to recover from reduced revenue and increased costs caused by the coronavirus pandemic, they will be looking to eliminate non-essential expenditures. Energy subsidies that suck billions of dollars each year from the public purse should be a leading candidate for cancellation. According to Tim Gould, head of energy supply and investment at…

Strong economies provide better environmental conditions

Tulsa Beacon

We are starting to see significant pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions as a result of the economic slowdown caused by the world’s response to the COVID-19 virus. For example, Carbon Brief reported that GHG emissions in China had dropped at least 25% in February in comparison with the same period last year. Marshall…

Climate change is not the cause of wildfires in Australia

Tulsa Beacon

Recent climate change has not caused Australian bushfires. Besides the fact that many of the fires are set by people, either intentionally or by accident, a major cause of Australia’s fire problem has been the high “fuel loads,” underbrush that, left to accumulate over years, acts as a tinder box for bushfires. Craig Kelly, Liberal member of the…

America has been protecting the environment for 50+ years

Tulsa Beacon

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on January 21, U.S. President Donald Trump called for a rejection of “predictions of the apocalypse.” Completely at odds with the warning by 17-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg at the same meeting that the world “is currently on fire,” Trump told the world’s decision-makers said…

Green Activists are the real Goliaths in climate debate

Tulsa Beacon

A common misconception among many in the public is that climate change activists are the ‘Davids’ in the war with the Goliath industrial complex. Authors Ron Arnold and Paul Driessen (Cracking Big Green: To Save the World from the Save-The-Earth Money Machine), show clearly that this is not the case. Arnold and Driessen use information…

Capitalism is not the cause of environmental destruction

Tulsa Beacon

Speaking on November 25 in the European Parliament (EP), left wing politician Mick Wallace voiced a hopelessly misguided theme we will likely hear more of during the big UN climate conference being held in Madrid from Dec 2 – 13: ‘capitalism did it.’ According to people like Wallace, the main problem for the environment is…

The Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a C.O.L.D. winter

Tulsa Beacon

Early November certainly was rough on people across eastern North America. The Washington Post  reported on Nov. 13 that “The most severe early November cold snap in more than a century has plowed over the East Coast, where record low temperatures were set in the majority of population centers Wednesday morning.” reported that over 400…

Canada and the United States have abundent oil supplies

Tulsa Beacon

Within days of the September attack on one of Saudi Arabia’s largest oil fields, fears of rising gasoline prices were relieved when production quickly returned to the new normal. This was largely a result of a 40% increase in U.S. oil supplies in the past three years (3.65 million barrels per day rise since the…

There is no ‘climate crisis’; it’s a threat to our way of life

Tulsa Beacon

Speaking at the 13th International Conference on Climate Change, held July 25 in Washington, D.C, Dr. Roy W. Spencer of The University of Alabama in Huntsville said: “There is no climate crisis. Even if all the warming we’ve seen in any observational dataset is due to increasing CO2 (carbon dioxide), which I don’t believe it…

Democrats ignore science as they push climate ‘disaster’

Tulsa Beacon

Speaking at the 13th International Conference on Climate Change held on July 25th in Washington, D.C., Dr. Roy W. Spencer of the University of Alabama in Huntsville said, “There is no climate crisis. There is no climate emergency. Even if all of the warming we’ve seen in any observational data set is due to increasing…