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The Tulsa Beacon


Travis Jones

Travis Jones is the CEO of Career Development Partners and a certified career coach. CDP focuses on professional and executive search, retention strategies, succession planning, human resource consulting, outplacement, executive coaching, resume writing and leadership development. You can contact Travis at [email protected] or 918-293-0500.

Navigating the Sands of Change – is retirement in your near future

Tulsa Beacon

Navigating the Sands of Change – Is Retirement in Your Near Future Whether you find yourself in the sandwich generation or navigating other distinct circumstances, retirement readiness is on the mind of people at all ages. Your retirement plan is a readiness ‘life plan” and should be every bit as unique as you are. There…

Ageless insights for leaders – inspiring quotes for your life

Tulsa Beacon

Years ago, I began collecting quotes from people that spoke into my life. I wanted to share a few that are worth repeating. We need leadership in the world today, as has been true since creation. These quotes come from people that are not flawless, but examples of much needed leadership thoughts. John Maxwell –…

Every life tells a story: Here is my Faith Journey

Tulsa Beacon

My salvation story beautifully illustrates God’s faithfulness throughout my life. It all began with my parents, who met while studying in Dallas, Texas—my mother at the Dallas Bible Institute and my father at Dallas Theological Seminary. I made my debut at my father’s graduation from DTS in 1951, just four days old. As the second…

Good Leaders learn to unlock the potential in others

Tulsa Beacon

Leaders are often portrayed as born with the gift of leadership and some have it and others do not. But the truth is, that successful leaders do not have the gift from birth but had to learn how to develop the gift. Becoming a good leader requires self-awareness and continually learn and commit to personal…

Pay it forward: Invest in your personal development story

Tulsa Beacon

Dr. Marc D. Gilbert my business professor at John Brown University used to tell me, “What you do today, is important, because it will impact tomorrow.”   Personal and professional development pays dividends down the road of life not only for you but even greater in what you can bring to others. Investment takes time, energy,…

Navigating the Shift: unleashing your leadership potential

Tulsa Beacon

Accepting a promotion into leadership from a manager’s role is not automatic. When you are promoted into a role where you are managing people, you don’t automatically become a leader. There are important distinctions between managing and leading people. Consider these nine differences that will set you apart as a significant leader of your team,…

Brain Banquet: the nutritional benefits of a good read

Tulsa Beacon

Most Americans haven’t read a book in the last year and for the most part, book-reading is on a steady decline from my experience as I talk to people.   Ever wonder why or why not?  Let’s look at why I think we should be reading books on a regular basis. Consider how children are taught…

Unlocking Potential: How humble leaders drive company success

Tulsa Beacon

Stress and anxiety are prevalent problems at work, contributing to deficits in employee morale, well-being, turnover and productivity. One common cause is specific to the workplace: arrogant leadership. Leadership affects employees’ stress and anxiety levels. What they say and do hugely influences their team’s physical and emotional well-being. And the more senior leaders are, the…

When was the last time you received a “thank you” note?

Tulsa Beacon

My mother would make a point to send out thank-you letters to people on a regular basis and taught her children to do the same. My wife is fantastic at thank-you notes, but it seems to have become outdated for most folks. I would love to highlight my mother and wife’s lessons of gratitude and…

Defining ourselves: What does it mean to be ‘Uniquely’ different?

Tulsa Beacon

What makes you unique? How can I find my identity and get rid of the baggage we are carrying around to become the beautiful masterpiece God created. When we were children, we were around all kinds of people and places that prepared us with a wealth of knowledge, helping us to know what we did…