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The Tulsa Beacon


Travis Jones

Travis Jones is the CEO of Career Development Partners and a certified career coach. CDP focuses on professional and executive search, retention strategies, succession planning, human resource consulting, outplacement, executive coaching, resume writing and leadership development. You can contact Travis at [email protected] or 918-293-0500.

Retirement Readiness as a company benefit for employees

Tulsa Beacon

As I look around most of my high school classmates are already or soon to be retired. Some are well prepared, most are not. Many of my friends are at the stage when retirement is heavy on their minds. Retirement readiness programs are a strategic investment for companies and a lifeline for older employees nearing…

Wise Leaders spend time working “On” their business

Tulsa Beacon

As an executive coach, my role is to help the leader develop the habit of working “on” the business more than “in” the business. Part of our first conversation each time we meet is to ask how they are working on the business. It keeps them focused and far more productive. Most agree that this…

Living out our faith in the marketplace

Tulsa Beacon

There is currently a strong movement for people of faith to bring God into their workplace. This is not new, but glad we are seeing a change in the marketplace for believers in Christ. I remember my father in his family practice medical office using his business as a place of worship. He believed that…

Your Calling is timeless: It transcends any Career Path

Tulsa Beacon

There’s a difference between your calling and your career. A career is something you pick, but a calling is from the Lord. A career is about you and a calling is about others. What God calls you to, is a core part of your identity in God. Discovering your calling, then choosing daily to walk in it, has more to do with…

Unseen Strength: How a Good Business Partner Fuels Success

Tulsa Beacon

Thirty plus years in business and having a great partner, drives success. I have a partner that truly has been a blessing to me and especially as I am in the process of slowing down in the workplace and turning over the reins to him. In the fast-paced business world we live in, we often…

Are you listening or talking? You can do both

Tulsa Beacon

Henry Blackaby authored the book called Experiencing God and it speaks to the importance of prayer. He makes numerous points from his experience of being devoted to prayer. He said his greatest moments of experiencing God came through his times of prayer. From that experience he saw God at work doing things in his life…

Standout work connects people and creates lasting value

Tulsa Beacon

In November of 2014 I had the opportunity to attend a conference in OKC put on by Strata Leadership. The program had a number of authors that spoke on the topic of leadership in the workplace   One speaker that stood out to me was David Sturt who authored the book “Great Work: How to Make…

Shining with Hope in 2025; looking back at the lessons of 2024

Tulsa Beacon

You probably did not hope for or expect in Oklahoma the biggest January snowstorm in seven years, as you were making your New Year’s Resolutions! Even the weather forecast did not anticipate what we received in Tulsa, You in all probability did not factor in ‘tribulations’ as you were thinking about your hopes for 2025….

Healthy Organizations begin with Strong Core Values

Tulsa Beacon

Guiding principles shapes the culture, decision-making processes, and relationships within organizations, not only with its employees but clients, stakeholders and in the communities in which they serve and live. As a board member of Oklahoma Ethics Consortium over the past 15 years, I have benefited from the organization’s guiding principle. I commend the founders for…

How to make Yourself Shine Brighter in 2025

Tulsa Beacon

Take the risk to ask for a short-term project like a GIG with your company to express your intelligence and contributions outside what they know about your skills and education. Since most people have a full-time job, a Gig job may be a project completely outside your normal scope of duties but one that your…