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The Tulsa Beacon


Travis Jones

Travis Jones is the CEO of Career Development Partners and a certified career coach. CDP focuses on professional and executive search, retention strategies, succession planning, human resource consulting, outplacement, executive coaching, resume writing and leadership development. You can contact Travis at [email protected] or 918-293-0500.

Everyone has a book inside them – its your year to write a book

Tulsa Beacon

As we complete another year, consider writing a book or journal of your experiences over the next 12 months. You might just surprise yourself with what you write down from your experiences that would be a great read for someone you know and love. Everyone has a book inside of them, but it doesn’t do…

Celebrate Christmas Traditions of Giving and Receiving

Tulsa Beacon

This time of year, is a season that is globally celebrated, and it is called Christmas for many around the globe. A time of joy, sharing, giving, love and reflecting on our faith and our future. As many celebrate Christmas all over the world, I hope we can humble ourselves and truly consider the Christ…

Think the Holidays are a Bad Time to Job Search – Major Myth

Tulsa Beacon

While it may feel like job seeking during the holidays is a waste of time, it is an exciting time to keep searching and connecting with people! Fact is a sizable percentage of people find their next job by connecting with someone they know. 1) Many companies have already set next year’s goals and determined…

It is lonesome at the Peak – Leaders profit from Coaching

Tulsa Beacon

Today’s most successful companies recognize the value that comes with training talent at all levels. Good development coaching for leadership is always custom tailored to enhance performance and deliver a competitive edge for the organization. Among top talent in executive offices, many leaders have proven themselves to be knowledgeable. That is a given. The difference…

Gratitude Is a Bodybuilding Attitude

Tulsa Beacon

Part of thanksgiving gatherings is asking everyone to share something they are truly thankful for and why. You all know the game. Here are a few that may tickle your funny bone and others that will challenge and encourage. “The thing I am most grateful for right now is elastic waistbands.” – Unknown “Be thankful…

Navigating the Sands of Change – is retirement in your near future

Tulsa Beacon

Navigating the Sands of Change – Is Retirement in Your Near Future Whether you find yourself in the sandwich generation or navigating other distinct circumstances, retirement readiness is on the mind of people at all ages. Your retirement plan is a readiness ‘life plan” and should be every bit as unique as you are. There…

Ageless insights for leaders – inspiring quotes for your life

Tulsa Beacon

Years ago, I began collecting quotes from people that spoke into my life. I wanted to share a few that are worth repeating. We need leadership in the world today, as has been true since creation. These quotes come from people that are not flawless, but examples of much needed leadership thoughts. John Maxwell –…

Every life tells a story: Here is my Faith Journey

Tulsa Beacon

My salvation story beautifully illustrates God’s faithfulness throughout my life. It all began with my parents, who met while studying in Dallas, Texas—my mother at the Dallas Bible Institute and my father at Dallas Theological Seminary. I made my debut at my father’s graduation from DTS in 1951, just four days old. As the second…

Good Leaders learn to unlock the potential in others

Tulsa Beacon

Leaders are often portrayed as born with the gift of leadership and some have it and others do not. But the truth is, that successful leaders do not have the gift from birth but had to learn how to develop the gift. Becoming a good leader requires self-awareness and continually learn and commit to personal…

Pay it forward: Invest in your personal development story

Tulsa Beacon

Dr. Marc D. Gilbert my business professor at John Brown University used to tell me, “What you do today, is important, because it will impact tomorrow.”   Personal and professional development pays dividends down the road of life not only for you but even greater in what you can bring to others. Investment takes time, energy,…