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The Tulsa Beacon


Travis Jones

Travis Jones is the CEO of Career Development Partners and a certified career coach. CDP focuses on professional and executive search, retention strategies, succession planning, human resource consulting, outplacement, executive coaching, resume writing and leadership development. You can contact Travis at [email protected] or 918-293-0500.

We are just friends, who come alongside each other

Tulsa Beacon

There are times when I just need someone to listen to me, without giving me advice or telling me I am wrong.   My wife is one of those people in my life who listens to my words, and she still loves me these past 50 years we have been married.  She knows the way I…

Well-timed silence can be more eloquent than words

Tulsa Beacon

I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Clarence Jones the speechwriter for Marin Luther King speak a few years ago.  I have pondered some of his thoughts and wanted to share them. “There is nothing greater than freedom and the struggle for freedom is important for all of us.” “The most tragic bigotry is silence…

Care and Feeding of the Boss, communicating expectations

Tulsa Beacon

My dear friend Dr. Henry Migliore who is retired from ORU and NSU, but still active in speaking and teaching  wrote this book called “Care and Feeding of the Boss”.  He shared this book with me many years ago and sent it to me this week after reading the column last week “If I have…

Performance reviews make me want to quit

Tulsa Beacon

Performance reviews are a key part of most workplaces, providing an opportunity to reflect on past performance and set goals for the future. However, many employees view them as an administrative task that has little impact on their personal growth and development. If you’re looking to make the most of your performance review and produce…

An interesting question, what gender is a computer?

Tulsa Beacon

What Gender is a computer? There were a group of adults that were taking a course at a community college and after a few weeks of classes, the professor decided to have some fun one day by asking a question. As a little learning activity, he divided the students up and put the men on…

Are your ex-employees killing your company reputation?

Tulsa Beacon

We all know companies that if we had the opportunity, we would never consider working for them or refer one of our friends.  Where did that information come from? Social media is filled with ex-employees’ thoughts on their previous workplace. Just because they don’t work for you anymore doesn’t mean they can’t impact your future….

Are your former employees Brand Ambassadors?

Tulsa Beacon

Professional career transition coaches come alongside individuals that have been impacted by a reduction in their employment. This can be a most difficult time for the employee. When they are provided with a transition program, they begin to thrive and become grateful to their former employers. They realize the value they have received from the…

Welcome mat for visitors coming back to church

Tulsa Beacon

With the new movie “Jesus Movement” coming to theaters in late February, we may see a reawaking of revival that happened in the late 60’s and early 70’s.  I was able to attend the premiere showing of this film and it brought back memories of this time in history.  Would God use this film for…

Historical story of Tulsa Bible Church from 2008 to current

Tulsa Beacon

After Dr. John Barnett left Tulsa Bible Church in 2008 to take a call from a church in Kalamazoo, Michigan we experienced another year of the Elders and leaders in the church sharing the Word of God from the pulpit till we filled the role of lead pastor. We have always been blessed with men…

A history of Tulsa Bible Church, Part 2

Tulsa Beacon

Pastor Hardin Boyer resigned in 1987 and his family moved to the East coast.  Associate Barry Lawrence and youth pastor Paul  Utnage answered calls to new churches near the same time. This was an exciting time at TBC and our leadership team took over the pulpit and the expository preaching from the Word of God…