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The Tulsa Beacon


Trisha Gedon

Winter is a good time for cleaning

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER – When the weather is cold and limiting outdoor activities, it is a good time to tackle some house cleaning projects you may have been putting on the back burner. Cleaning out your pantry is a good way to ensure you have only the freshest foods available for your family, said Barbara Brown, Oklahoma…

Old Christmas trees can help birds

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER – Before you put the Christmas tree on the curb for recycling, consider turning it into a combination lawn decoration and bird feeder. While the tree certainly added a festive flair to the home with its twinkling lights and sparkling ornaments, you can still get some enjoyment out of it, said David Hillock, Oklahoma…

Thieves targeting popular gift cards

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER  – For many consumers, purchasing a gift card takes the stress out of finding the perfect gift to give. First introduced in the 1990s, gift cards have continued to gain in popularity. It is expected about $130 billion worth of gift cards will be purchased by the end of 2018. While they are a…

Get your housepets ready for winter

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER – For pets that spend a good deal of time romping in the back yard or lounging in a patch of sunshine on the deck, the arrival of winter may be a rude awakening and cause of concern for safety. Before Oklahoma experiences a deep freeze, pet owners need to make sure their pets…