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The Tulsa Beacon


Walker Moore

Let’s offer a sweet fragrance as we ponder the resurrection

Tulsa Beacon

Little did I know when I got married how much my life would change. As a single man, my wants were very simple. The biggest decision I faced was how much toilet paper to buy. I would stand in the grocer’s aisle and tried to decide whether to go with the two- or the four-roll…

Watch out for the speedbump when singing about skunks

Tulsa Beacon

In my entire working life, I’ve only been fired once. I’m not proud that I have this blemish on an otherwise stellar career. And it all came back to me when I was asked to speak in the chapel service at Hannibal LaGrange University. When I attended, it was Hannibal LaGrange College, but now the…

Got brain fog? Here’s is a surefire cure guaranteed to work

Tulsa Beacon

Today, I was watching the morning news when a doctor came on, reporting that one of the down sides of isolation from friends and family during this pandemic has been a condition called “brain fog.” I have noticed some subtle difference in certain friends of mine during this pandemic, and I thought I needed to…

No to Chris Cross, Dee Zaster, Hazel Nutt, Artie Choke, etc.

Tulsa Beacon

I’ve written on this topic before, but some of you who weren’t yet “great with child” may not have read it. So, I’ll repeat myself: Spend plenty of time praying about your child’s name. Naming your children is one of the most important things you’ll do in their lives. God never intended names to be…

Love note on the washing machine is a blessing for Mom

Tulsa Beacon

Every morning, my son’s Caleb house is either a haven of harmony or a riot. With three boys, two of whom are in school, getting up, eating breakfast, brushing teeth, washing faces, packing lunches, gathering books and a last-minute wrestling match before heading out to the car can be quite a challenge. Some morning things…

Take another look at the tomb and you see it is not empty

Tulsa Beacon

Twelve years ago, my wife began to have severe headaches. Soon, they became unbearable, so I took her to an urgent care center. The doctor who examined her told us she was suffering from sinusitis and an ear infection. He sent her home. When the headaches continued, accompanied with vomiting, we went to our family…

God will send you whoever you need

Tulsa Beacon

If my math is correct, this is my 1,150th article. That makes 23 years of 50 articles a year. Most of those who have read these articles have been very complimentary. There have been a few “bumpy grumpies” who have misunderstood or disagreed with what I was trying to say, but overall, it has been…

Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

Tulsa Beacon

My youngest son, Caleb, has had a dream ever since he was a child that one day, he and I would go skydiving together. He had this dream because I told him stories of my adventures as a young skydiver. After I got out of the service, I moved to Hannibal, Missouri, to attend Hannibal…

Missionary Ken Bowie was an anointed servant of God

Tulsa Beacon

In my work, I have been exposed to all types of missionaries around the world. I have come to put the missionaries I meet in two categories: the anointed and the appointed. There is a big difference between these groups. The anointed missionary walks differently; the appointed missionary talks differently. The anointed sees opportunities, the…