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The Tulsa Beacon


Walker Moore

A wobbly table, an ugly purse and bad dresser are beautiful

Tulsa Beacon

Growing up, I didn’t do well when in school. My poorest subjects were English, math, history, geography and science.  School was never easy for me, but if you gave me a job or task, I excelled in it. I was much more of a hands-on learner. I have always joked that I graduated in the…

Hell is much scarier than the teachers’ lounge in school

Tulsa Beacon

I grew up in the era where about every church had some type of evangelistic meeting. Most of these meetings would run for about a week, and if God were moving, it could be protracted for several more. The highlight of these meetings was a traveling evangelist who came from at least two counties over….

Dinosaur droppings helped change the world everywhere

Tulsa Beacon

In our last time together, I told you the story about my friend who bought a warehouse containing tons of dinosaur dung. Then he came up with an idea to break the dung into small one-pound chunks, wrap them in tissue paper, insert them into elegant boxes and sell them as paperweights for employees to…

Making lemonade out of a warehouse of dinosaur droppings

Tulsa Beacon

I have a friend who owns a company that sells many products on television. One day he got an unusual call. It was a group of archaeologists who had a warehouse full of petrified dinosaur dung. The dung had taken over their warehouse and needed to be cleared out. As he was telling me the…

Remember the Bible and good things God has done for you

Tulsa Beacon

Four-year-old Cohen the Goodhearted was sitting on the floor, his face buried deep in his hands as he sobbed. Cohen is exceptionally talented at faking being upset and will probably win an Oscar for this talent, but this was not that. His little body heaved, and the sobbing grew deeper. His dad walked over and…

Dust-covered Christmas tree transformed into a real beaut

Tulsa Beacon

It has become a tradition in the Moore family to put up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. For reasons unbeknownst to me, this duty has fallen my way. It always starts with a trek out to the backyard shed. Of course, all the Christmas stuff is stacked behind the lawn mower, the seed…

Christmas gifts can be a big surprise – or a scary encounter

Tulsa Beacon

My personality holds one particularly amusing paradox: I think it’s funny to scare someone, but I don’t like being scared. I have never figured that one out. Many years ago, my family bought me a Christmas gift that I had been wanting, as my grandsons would say, “all my life.” I wouldn’t buy it for…

Ralph Blane helped us have a merry little Christmas (tree)

Tulsa Beacon

Both of my sons grew up attending Firs Baptist, Tulsa. I could have not asked for a better place for them to have been loved and taught the Bible. It was a church that supported our family as we walked out our faith. One of the things First Tulsa was well-known for was its annual…

If you want to dance, right now is sure the perfect time

Tulsa Beacon

I have spent my life with students, hanging out with 13- to 18-year-olds for over 47 years. I have dealt with and counseled with students on everything from “My parents are Neanderthals” to “I am going to be the president of the United States.” So far, in all these years, neither has turned out to…

Toilet water has a different meaning for 4-year-old Cohen

Tulsa Beacon

Seven-year-old Titus the Honorable and 4-year-old Cohen the Goodhearted are currently doing virtual schooling. It amazing that a teacher can sit at home with a computer in front of them, and at a certain time, their computer screen will populate with their students. Titus the Honorable did his virtual schooling from our kitchen counter one…