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The Tulsa Beacon


Walker Moore

Bridging differences takes work but that’s what families do

Tulsa Beacon

One of the things I have missed most about being retired and now with COVID-19 limiting travel is engaging with unreached people groups. Even though I am no longer the head of a mission organization, I can still do mission work. Some of my best times on the mission fields have taken place while living…

Making change has changed since the time when I grew up

Tulsa Beacon

After taking thousands of students to the mission field, I noticed a pattern. In days gone by, most of the students could count change in their head. With the inventions of computers and cash registers, the average cashier lets the machine do the work. Growing up in the ’50s and ’60s, learning how to make…

We have to place our happiness and joy solidly on Jesus

Tulsa Beacon

After being a grandparent for six years, I am losing my touch when it comes to keeping my grandsons happy. It was easy when I only had one; it was challenging with two; and it is impossible with three. I don’t even want to think about it with a half-dozen. Of course, I’m talking about…

Here’s hoping for when my grandsons take a leap of faith

Tulsa Beacon

Three years ago, my wife and I bought a swing set. It was a small, inexpensive one.  We realized we needed something for our grandsons to play on when they came to visit. Up to this point, we only had small, inside toys, but Titus the Honorable was 3 and wanted to go outside to…

From packed auditoriums to drywall, try to work your best

Tulsa Beacon

Since I started preaching and teaching 47 years ago, I have never lacked for a place to use my spiritual gifts. Only in the latter half of my life has God allowed me to add teaching through the written word. But I have always preferred the speaking ministry over writing. I have told you many…

The squirrels in my backyard are half nuts

Tulsa Beacon

The epicenter for the COVID-19 virus in the United States is New York City. The epicenter for squirrels in the United States is my backyard. We have lived in our current home for 17 years. When my wife and I bought the house, it had four huge trees in the backyard: one oak, two maples…

On the road of life, sometimes you fly over the handlebars

Tulsa Beacon

During the first part of my early childhood, I lived on a dead-end street. It really was a dead-end in the truest sense of the word. Our house was the last one, and if you went any farther, you would find yourself going down an embankment and into a cemetery. It was in this space…

Two kinds of fishing need to be taught to grandchildren

Tulsa Beacon

Today I got my first fishing license. My dad hunted and fished, but that was for him and his buddies. The only fishing I did growing up was on my grandfather’s farm. He had a pond in the back 40 where my brothers and I would take our bamboo poles, hike out to the pond…

Start downloading the Ten Commandments to your kids

Tulsa Beacon

Life with River the Peacemaker is about to get interesting. In March, he turned 1, and for this past year, he has been your typical baby. Much of his life up to this point has consisted of eating, sleeping and getting changed. Now he is crawling with the best of them and beginning to build…

Quarantined pastors become televangelists in the pandemic

Tulsa Beacon

I turned on the news today and heard the anchorman report that we might have to be quarantined for a few more weeks. It really doesn’t matter to me; for the past 22 days, I have been stuck on Saturday, and I have another Saturday tomorrow. If you have been following along on social media…