If you want a clear distinction between Republicans and Democrats, here’s a topic – “critical race theory.”
What is critical race theory?
It is an increasingly popular part of the curriculum in common education and higher education in public schools. It is based on Marxism (socialism that indoctrinates children to hate American exceptionalism and to foster friction with others based on race or gender. Critical race theory teaches that most of our laws and systems in America are historically rooted a deep oppression of black people and other people who are not white. It pushes the idea that people are implicitly biased and inherently racist based on the color of their skin.
In other words, all white people are unavoidably racist.
Of course, that is patently untrue. In fact, most Americans – white, black or whatever – are not racists and mostly have not actively tried to suppress anyone else. This is a dangerous philosophy and it even more deadly when implanted in school children. No race is superior to another race. No one on the basis of their race is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive. Our moral character is not determined by race and we are not responsible past actions of people who share our race.
And hard work was not created by white people to oppress people of color. These are lies straight from the pit of Hell.
The Republicans in the Legislature passed HB 1775, which prohibits the teaching of “critical race theory.” This was blasted by Democrats in leadership who are anxious to embrace socialism and secularism.
“State-sanctioned and state sponsored racism has no place in our schools, and HB 1775 is an important step in removing this poison from our culture,” said Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, a former teacher.
We could lose a generation to this dangerous dogma and this bill is a big step in the right direction.