The City of Tulsa has suggestions for anyone wanting to fry a frozen turkey for their Christmas dinner.

  • Use a turkey fryer outdoors at a safe distance from buildings and other flammable materieals.
  • Make sure the fryer is on a flat surface to reduce accidental tipping.
  • Never leave the fryer unattended. Keep children and pets away from the fryer.
  • Make sure the turkey is completely thawed.
  • Keep an all-purpose fire extinguisher nearby. Never use water to extinguish a grease fire. If you cannot manage the fire, call 911 for help.

After your dinner, make sure the grease is disposed of properly.

  • Trap meat drippings in a sealable container and toss in the trash.
  • Scape all food scraps in the compost or trash.
  • Wipe all greasy, oily, creamy or buttery food residues from dishes before you wash them.

Liquid cooking oils can be recycled. For information, go to

Also, the city wants property owners to not blow fallen leaves in to the street or sidewalks where they can wind up in the storm sewers. Instead, they recommend mulching the leaves, composting them  or bagging tham for pickup by trash trucks.