What does the Bible say about end times in the light of worldwide pandemics, killer storms, wars in the Middle East, eroding morality and political unrest?
Some answers in the light of the Bible will be explained in Tulsa March 19-21 during the 11th Annual Mid-America Prophecy Conference, presented by www.Bibleprophecyaswritten.com Tulsa Southern Hills Marriott.
The theme for this year’s conference is, “Is Jesus at the door?” That’s based on Matthew 24:33 – “… so, you too, when you see all these things, [a]recognize that He (Jesus) is near, right at the door.”
Author Philip Goodman on the conference’s website wrote, “This conference theme is not a “day or hour” (or month or year) question, which the Bible prohibits, and which has no place in Bible Prophecy.
“But in the same passage, Jesus instructs us to recognize the signs and events of the End Time which point to the nearness of His Return to the Earth.
“This is not a prophecy-playground conference. This is the conference with the reputation for non-speculative, Bible-first teaching. It is rooted in the Bible as a serious study of End Time Prophecy and its relevance to our lives today. The focus is on Jesus at center stage, with all glory to God and His great love for us.”
Goodman, who is based in Tulsa, will speak on, “A Missing Sign? The Overnight Rise of the Great City.”
Here are the other scheduled speakers.
David Reagan, Director of Lamb & Lion Ministries
Reagan started Lamb & Lion Ministries in 1980.
Before entering the ministry he had an extensive career in higher education. A life-long Bible student, teacher, and preacher, Reagan has written 17 books and has contributed to many others. His books have been translated into several languages. He is the editor of the ministry’s bi-monthly magazine called Lamplighter.
He has led 45 pilgrimages to Israel and has conducted prophecy conferences in Russia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria, Belarus, Israel, South Africa, Mexico, the Philippines, India, England (including Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland) and China.
Reagan is the host of Lamb & Lion’s weekly television program called Christ in Prophecy.
Dr. David Anderson, Grace School Of Theology
Anderson has a Ph.D., Th.M., from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a B.A. from Rice University.
He is the founder and president of Grace School of Theology as well as the author of many Biblical books and articles. As professor of Systematic Theology & Biblical Languages at Grace School of Theology, Anderson teaches Fundamentals of Greek Exegesis, Soteriology and other theology courses. He is highly regarded Bible and biblical language scholar.
Anderson pastored in the Houston area for thirty years where he founded and served as the Senior Pastor at Faith Bible Church in The Woodlands, Texas, for 18 years and served as an adjunct professor for Dallas Theological Seminary. He is also one of the founders of the Free Grace Alliance whose mission is to connect, encourage, equip and lead the body of Christ to advance the grace message throughout the world.
Dr. J.B. Hixson, director of Not By Works Ministries
Hixson is a director of Certificate Programs & Professor of Systematic Theology at Grace School Of Theology. He earned his Ph.D. at Baptist Bible Seminary, Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, and B.A., Houston Baptist University. Hixson has more than 25 years of experience as a pastor, professor, author and national conference speaker. An expert in the areas of soteriology and eschatology, he is the author of numerous books on the Gospel of Grace, and prophetic books including What Lies Ahead: A Biblical Overview of the End Times; and the co-editor of the book Freely By His Grace: Classical Free Grace Theology. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics.
Pastor Andy Woods, Andy Woods Ministries
Woods is the senior pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church. He is also the president of Chafer Theological Seminary.
In addition, Andy has contributed to many theological journals and Christian books and has spoken on a variety of topics at Christian conferences. Many of his articles and conference seminars are also available at www.spiritandtruth.org. Woods is a regular and highly regarded speaker at the annual Pre-Trib Research Study Group which sorts out Biblical truth from biblical-speculation through careful study and research of Bible prophecy issues.
Pastor Daymond Duck, Prophecy Plus Ministries
“By God’s grace,” Duck says he is a graduate of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Duck is the founder and president of Prophecy Plus Ministries, as well as the best-selling author of a shelf full of books (three have been published in foreign languages). He is a member of the prestigious Pre-Trip Study Group, a conference speaker, and a writer for raptureready.com, the worlds’ most widely accessed prophecy-Internet-site.
Duck is a retired United Methodist pastor, has made more than 300 TV appearances, and has been a member of the Baptist Church in his home town since 2006.
Mike Stallard, Friends Of Israel Ministries
Stallard represents Friends Of Israel throughout the world as the director of International Ministries. Friends Of Israel stands by the central dispensational truths of the Bible regarding the Nation Israel in prophecy. Stallard spent 31 years as a pastor and urban church planter, 22 years as a professor of theology at Baptist Bible Seminary, and the founding of the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics. He was the general editor of Regular Baptist Book’s Dispensational Understanding of the New Covenant and has written articles for the Baptist Bulletin. and continues to write prolifically for Friends Of Israel publications, including their regular magazine, Israel My Glory.
The Mid-America Prophecy Conference has two sessions on March 19 at 6 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. On March 20, there are six sessions that run from 8:30 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. On March 21, four sessions run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
The cost for the conference is $60 before March 1 and $70 after March 1. To make hotel reservations for the Marriott Tulsa Southern Hills, call 918-493-7000.
To register for the conference, send payment to: Mid-America Prophecy Conference, PO Box 14575, Tulsa, OK 74159, or call 918-748-1806 or 918-748-1807 or email [email protected]. The website is www.bibleprophecyaswritten.com.