On the anniversary of Roe V. Wade, President Biden vowed to make abortion on demand the law of the land.
“Joe Biden repeatedly insists he is a devout Catholic,” said Live Action founder and President Lila Rose. “He used this claim frequently during his campaign. He just released a statement praising Roe v Wade, but wouldn’t even use the word ‘abortion.’ His deception is disgusting. The violence of what he proudly supports is horrific.”
Biden promised to appoint judges that would add no restrictions to abortion. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are determined to imbed Roe v. Wade into federal law.
Biden is the second Catholic president. John F. Kennedy was the first.
“Joe Biden marks the anniversary of Roe v Wade by saying he is ‘deeply committed’ to the intentional destruction of innocent life through the heinous practice of abortion,” according to Catholic Vote. “This represents a major rupture with the Church, only days after his press secretary described Joe Biden as ‘devout.’”
Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton also commemorated the anniversary of Roe v. Wade in a statement, mourning the “millions of lives lost over the 48 years since Roe v. Wade was decided and eliminated state pro-life protections.”
“I’ll continue to pray for those unborn children who are the victims of abortion, just as I’ll continue my work to protect unborn children and the fundamental rights of every human being,” the senator said in a statement.
Abortion is the American Holocaust. Lawmakers who value human life, born and unborn, need to stand tall against Biden’s rush to maximize the killing of unborn babies.