While American consumers struggle with product shortages and delays, the liberal media instructs shopped to lower expectations and be thankful for inflation.
Although you can blame last year’s deflation partially on the Chinese coronavirus, the real reasons for the rapid rise of inflation are President Joe Biden’s failing policies.
Biden’s unemployment insurance plan kept millions of productive workers out of the workforce and that lessened production. And that curtailed the supply chain.
But an even bigger Biden policy blunder is the $1.9 trillion spending bill in March which created a situation with too many dollars chasing too few goods.
As time goes on, the pandemic deserves less and less blame for inflation.
And a big problem is Biden’s war on energy, particularly coal, oil and natural gas. Production and exploration has slowed as energy companies hesitate to spend money when they industry is under attack by the federal government.
The liberal media either doesn’t understand economics or they are purposely reporting from a socialist perspective to convince consumers that they, not Biden, are responsible for problems in the supply chain and for inflation.
The media wants consumers to use less and not for industry to grow out of this downturn. The Intercept states inflation helps 99% of the people. Bloomberg Markets said inflation should make people thankful they don’t have bigger families. MSNBC said the average American can afford price bumps they saved so much during the pandemic. CNN makes fun of the abundance of overprice milk.
The message here should be to tell Congress to oppose Biden’s inflationary policies, give workers more incentives to go back to work and stop destroying our energy industry.
That message won’t appear in big newspapers or most TV news channels.