It’s becoming increasing apparent that former Vice President Joe Biden, 76, is not up to the intellectual challenge of being president.
In August, Biden told a campaign audience a story that was so inaccurate that even the ultra-liberal Washington Post challenged its accuracy.
Biden told a story of pinning a Silver Star on a U.S. Navy captain in the Konar Province of Afghanistan for acts of bravery. The Washington Post said Biden got almost all of the facts wrong. The military has no record of the ceremony and in fact, Biden was a senator, not vice president, when he visited Konar.
Here are some other gaffes:
- Biden said Bobby Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King were assassinated in the late 1970s. They died in the 1960s.
- Biden said “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
- Biden said the El Paso shooting was in “Houston” and the Dayton shooting was in “Michigan.” He talked about a visit with the survivors of the 2018 Parkland shooting – before it happened.
- Biden confused the late Margaret Thatcher with Theresa May and Angela Merkel.
- Biden referred to the 2nd Amendment as the 1st Amendment.
- At the Iowa State Fair, Biden said, “We choose truth over facts.”
- Biden called Barack Obama “the first African American in the history of the United States.” He once introduced him as “Barack America.” Given his age, Biden should be allowed a minor slip up now and then. It happens. But there is a pattern here that should rest heavy in minds of Democrat primary voters. If Biden is like this now, how would he be in four or five more years?