The history of the United States is full of people who migrated here from other nations and carved out a successful life for themselves and their families.

Before World War II, Europeans like Albert Einstein fled from Germany to save their lives and start a new beginning.

I don’t know anyone who is opposed to legal immigration. But that’s not what is going on at America’s southern border. The over-worked and under-staff Border Patrol has identified at least 45 known terrorists who have entered America illegally since Joe Biden became president.

From day one, Biden let the world know that he would not enforce America’s immigration laws but would open the flood gates for anyone who could make it here.

In March, there were more than 220,000 illegal immigrant encounters at the southern border. Half were expelled under Title 42 – the policy that President Trump pushed to prevent the importation of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. Biden is going to revoke Title 42.

Officials from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agree that number, the highest number during Biden’s presidency, will skyrocket in the months ahead. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is planning for up to 18,000 encounters a day.

In 2021, it is estimated that two million illegal aliens – from Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China and almost every corner of the world crossed the border from Mexico to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Most were briefly detained by the Biden Administration and then released with an admonition to return for a court date. But they don’t come back to court.

In fact, Biden’s Administration has bused illegals secretly all over the country. They have loaded them on planes and flown them secretly into major cities.

This is chaos.

If Biden were a Republican, he already would have been impeached for breaking federal immigration laws and disobeying court orders.

Some blame Biden for incompetence but the truth is that Biden and his cohorts want all these illegal aliens because they believe they will eventually become registered Democrats. And wealthy Republican business owners want them because they provide cheap labor.

In the process, we are growing America’s lower class and diminishing the upward mobility of the children of the middle class.

It is so ironic that Biden wants to destroy Russia to protect the integrity of the Ukrainian border yet he has given America an open border. Biden is such a liar. He says his administration is “working hard” on the immigration situation but the opposite it true.

I have a Christian friend who thinks America should bring in anyone in the world who is being persecuted.  Another Christian friend believes that no countries should have border.

They believe this is a proper Christian response.

My answer to them is, “Do you have locks on your doors?”

Of course, they do.

God is a God of order. Throughout the Bible, there are references to property and rights and the right of nations to defend their borders. It has been said that if you don’t have a border, you don’t have a country.

In His Great Commission, Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel…” He didn’t say bring all the people into your home country.

Ask any Christian missionary who has been overseas and they will tell the most effective strategy for spreading the Gospel is to witness to local people and establish local churches. There are some parts of the world – including the Middle East, China, North Korea and others – where Christian missionaries, especially Americans – cannot preach the Good New of Jesus Christ.

America was founded as a Christian nation. If we let our culture be overturned by people who don’t share our Christian values, we will lose our heritage. In the past, immigrants came here and assimilated into our culture and many became Christians. But when you open the flood gates and let millions in without any sort of vetting, their culture overcomes our legacy of freedom and democracy.

It is sad to hear about how people in other countries are abused, beaten, deprived and dominated. It’s not right. But the answer is not to destroy our own sense of values by a allowing a disorderly invasion that overwhelms our social services, our schools, our health resources and undermines our work force.

America allows in more legal aliens that any other nation in the world and there are many success stories. But with an open border, Biden emboldens human smuggling, illegal drug trade and a disrespect for human life.

We cannot solve the problems of everyone in the world. America helps poor people more than anyone nation.

But turning the United States into a Third World country will not help us anyone else in the rest of the world.