California State Senator Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, has introduced Senate Bill 57, which would decriminalize all drug use.

If passed, the legislation would include bills to set up “safe injection sites” in Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles. There, addicts would inject narcotics and other drugs under medical supervision. Senate Bill 73 would lower the criminal penalties on users, drug dealers (who deal in heroin, opiates, salts, opiate derivatives, marijuana, PCP and other illegal drugs. Another bill would legalize the use of LSD.

Weiner said that America’s War on Drugs has failed and in one sense, he is right about that. But he claims drug laws are racist because “black and brown communities” are disproportionately damage by illegal drug use. He also blames “mass incarceration” for the problem.

“How is it that California is considering legalizing LSD or lowering criminal penalties for heroin dealers, while at the same time it outlaws single-use plastic bags, curbs the use of plastic straws, or seeks to eliminate fossil fuels we all depend upon because of their danger to humans and nature?” California Family Council Director of Capitol Engagement Greg Burt asked. “Shouldn’t the government protect us from drug cartels notorious for getting rich on the backs of the destroyed lives of every race? If you care about protecting racial minorities, shouldn’t you outlaw drugs that are killing them at higher rates?”

The Biden Administration is quietly sending out the message that drug enforcement is going to take a backseat to other laws.

This is madness. It makes no sense. If it passes in California, it will soon be on the desk of Vice President Kamala Harris and that is one more step to chaos.