In an effort to help encourage and retain Oklahoma’s top educators, Sen. Rob Standridge, R-Norman, has filed legislation creating a process for teachers who complete their National Board Certification and meet other additional requirements to receive annual bonuses of $1,500 beginning in the 2020-21 school year.

 Under the legislation, depending on available revenue, that amount could be increased in subsequent years until it reaches a maximum of $5,000.

“This is for our best and brightest educators who truly go above and beyond what’s required of them,” Standridge said.  “My legislation will reward those teachers and hopefully increase retention.”

Senate Bill 1127, by Standridge, creates the Teacher Retention Act of 2020.  If approved, beginning July 1, 2020 the State Board of Education would provide annual bonuses to a teacher who has completed each of the following:

  • National Board certification and is teaching full time in a public school.
  • Received a district rating of “superior” under the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System during the previous year.
  • Has been appointed as a mentor teacher.
  • Has been recommended for the bonus by their superintendent and principal with approval by the school board.

Bills facilitate entry of out-of-state teachers

Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, filed two bills to help address the state’s teacher shortage by recognizing the skills and service of out-of-state teachers.

“Even with the historic pay raises and budget increases, we’re still facing a teacher shortage. We’ve got to figure out a way to increase the potential pool of teacher applicants, and attracting out-of-state teachers is one way we can do that,” Pugh said. “However, we need to get rid of some of the roadblocks that are keeping out-of-state teachers from continuing their careers in our classrooms. Recognizing their teaching certificates and years of service is a great first step.”

Pugh pointed to two major problems keeping out-of-state teachers from applying in Oklahoma schools. First, when teachers move to Oklahoma from another state they must get re-certified, which involves possibly taking competency examinations and meeting other requirements set by the State Board of Education – all of which are costly and time consuming. Second, regardless of an out-of-state teacher’s years of experience, Oklahoma only gives credit for five, which can significantly lower their potential salary. 

SB 1125 directs the State Board of Education to issue a teaching certificate to anyone who holds a valid out-of-state teaching certificate, with no other requirements except a criminal history record check. It prohibits the individual from being required to take any additional competency examinations prior to receiving a teaching certificate.

Pugh noted his bill was a follow up to his SB 670 that was signed into law this past session providing reciprocal licensing for military personnel and their spouses.  Because it is under a different title of law, teacher licensing was not covered under SB 670 so Pugh hopes to address it with SB 1125.

 SB 1126 would grant a teacher credit for all years of out-of-state or out-of-country teaching experience as a certified teacher or its equivalent at primary and secondary schools operated by the U.S. Department of Defense or affiliated with the U.S. Department of State for the purpose of state salary increments.

 “We’re losing qualified teachers to other states or industries simply because they have an out-of-state teaching certificate, and then we’re ignoring their years of service.  This is especially hard for teachers in military families who are re-stationed to Oklahoma,” Pugh said.