Black Lives Matter is not a civil rights group.
It is a Marxist, communist and socialist organization posing as a force to make useful change. A major goal is to end capitalism and enact wealth redistribution.
Certainly, black lives matter. All lives matter. That is one of the things that makes America unique – holding fast to the Judeo-Christian view that every life is precious.
BLM is a globalist group that despises America and its history. It opposes the Biblical model of marriage, that being of one man with one woman. It promotes homosexuality and the disintegration of any sexual morality.
It advocates defunding of police departments and wants to effect an overthrow of the government of the United States by mob action, intimidation and chaos. In 2016, BLM called for reparations for slavery, emptying prisons, community control of the police and an end to mass surveillance.
BLM is a dangerous group that has fooled a lot of people. Again, black lives do matter. But a violent group that advocates the end of America should be opposed despite its rhetoric.