Almost every day we hear of bizarre happenings taking place in the world.  Usually these things happen in some distant city or faraway nation – rarely do they happen in our own backyard.

However, the unthinkable happened November 9, 2019 in Tulsa, Oklahoma – just 15 miles from my backyard.  Boston Avenue United Methodist Church made the choice to stand with the LGBTQ+ community, in opposition to God’s Word and the long-standing teachings of the United Methodist Church (UMC).

The Reverend David Wiggs, senior minister at Boston Avenue staged this event to publicly oppose UMC’s position on homosexuality as set forth in the Book of Discipline. 

Obviously, Rev. Wiggs was trying to distract people’s attention away from an event supporting UMC’s traditional policy, which was being held at Asbury United Methodist Church, just 10 miles further south.

UMC’s Book of Discipline states: “The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.  Therefore self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church.”

At a Special Session of the UMC General Conference on February 23-26, 2019, the delegates voted by a narrow margin to maintain the church’s traditional position on sexuality as set forth in the Book of Discipline. 

But LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, both from inside the church and outside, have for years been trying to force the UMC to accept the homosexuality lifestyle as normal behavior.

Born-again followers of Jesus Christ had better pay attention.  This is not just a protest against the United Methodist Church, this is a protest against God Almighty.    Multiple Scriptures throughout the Holy Bible confirm God’s disapproval of homosexual activity, and yet there are none saying it’s okay. 

God’s Word clearly warns us that in the last days, there will be a “falling away” from the faith.  There will come a time when many people will be deceived by the devil – even some well-educated ministers – and others who should know better . . . Many will be deceived and will be used by the devil to lead others astray.  

In 2 Peter, Chapter 2, God warns “there will be false teachers among us preaching damnable heresies . . . and many people will follow their pernicious ways.”  We are also reminded that “God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their ungodly ways.”  Homosexual activity was running rampant in both cities, and God destroyed them both.  (see Genesis 13:10-13; 18:20-21; 19:4-11, 24-25; Deuteronomy 23:17; 1 Kings 14:24)

Jesus also gave this warning:  “Take heed that no man deceive you . . . Many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many . . . Many shall be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another . . . And because iniquity [sin] shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.  But he that shall endure unto the end, [stand strong in the faith] the same shall be saved.”  (see Matthew 24: 4-13 KJV) We must speak out against this heresy – Stand strong in the Faith – Fight to defend this nation from all evildoers.