Democrat leaders don’t like U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, because she refuses to do what they tell her to do.

Gabbard, who is leaving Congress after an unsuccessful presidential bid, introduced a bill that would guarantee proper medical care for any baby that survives an abortion.

The liberal news media, radical feminists, Congressional Democrats and other pro-abortion groups have come unglued over the prospect of a federal law that protects a almost-killed baby from being murdered outside the womb.

Pro-abortionists argue that the Born Alive Infant Protection Act of 2002 is sufficient protection for babies who thwart an abortion attempt. But the problem with that federal statute is that it doesn’t apply direct penalties for any murderous doctor who might want to snuff out the life a baby who struggles for life after a failed abortion.

“You (Gabbard) seem to be under the impression that born alive is a thing,” tweeted Imani Gandy, an editor at Rewire. “It is not. Shame on you. I don’t know what your problem is but you’re turning out to be a real right wing (expletive deleted) heel.”

The Centers for Disease Control reported that between 2003 and 2014, at least 143 infants were born alive during abortion attempts. “It is possible that this number (143) underestimates the total number of deaths involving induced termination,” the CDC reported.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam indicated in 2019 that doctors should be able to refuse life-saving care to infants who survive abortions.  Gabbard disagrees. She is not against abortion (she is against late-term) abortion but she understands that snuffing out the life of a child born alive is murder, plain and simple.

And not being completely in favor of abortion and infanticide is not permitted in the Democrat Party in 2021.