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The Tulsa Beacon



Would a manned spaceflight to Mars be a workable idea?

Tulsa Beacon

Should we go to Mars? Is a manned spaceflight to Mars even possible? If we go, could we get our astronauts back safely? How much would it cost? I spoke with former U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine, who was head of the Space Agency NASA during the Trump Administration about this topic. Bridenstine, a Navy pilot,…

The Royal Ambassadors had a deep impact on young people­­

Tulsa Beacon

Every Saturday morning when most boys were out playing, I met with other boys my age gathered in a dark dank basement at Calvary Baptist church, Chillicothe Mo. I went for two reasons, I belong to a group called Royal Ambassador, it is a Southern Baptist Mission organization that helps boy to become Godly mission…

Corporation Commission candidates must speak on bonds

Tulsa Beacon

Where there’s smoke, someone ought to investigate, don’t you think? All heck is breaking loose at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, and it’s time the candidates running to join that fray speak up and let us know where they stand. The August 4th hearing at the OCC reminded me of a principal who smells smoke coming…

Every culture experiences its own version of diffusion

Tulsa Beacon

We are continuing to pursue the first people in our area from pre-historic time. The history is just now being written. From where did they come? When? What does diffusion have to do with Original Americans? Scattering. Diffusion is one of those terms used across many fields of science, but seldom arises in everyday use….

Conservative acts speak louder than words

Tulsa Beacon

Polling consistently shows a strong share of Oklahoma voters identify as conservatives. Therefore, Republican candidates do as well, if for no other reason than political self-preservation. But being conservative means more than checking off the pro-life and pro-Second Amendment boxes on a questionnaire, as important as those issues may be. So, what is a conservative?…

The recession that Biden lied about is here and growing

Tulsa Beacon

President Joe Biden continues to make predictions that he knows are not true and then he lies about it when the truth is inescapable. Last year, he said the spike in inflation was “temporary.” It’s not. It’s grown to at least 9.1% (if it were accurately calculated, it would be closer to 17%). He said…

There must be a special place in Heaven for nursery workers

Tulsa Beacon

To say the least, I have led an unusual life. I have labored in the steamy jungles of Panama. I have sat down for dinner with the vice president of China. I have lived in homeless shelters . . . and stayed in castles. Now, I can add one more adventure—probably the greatest challenge yet….

The Holy City of the Wichitas is famous for an Easter Passion Play.

A trip to the Wichita Wildlife Refuge is worth the effort

Tulsa Beacon

I have lived in Oklahoma almost all my life but I have only been to the Lawton area once before a weekend trip this July. The highlight of the trip was a car ride through the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. We mostly stayed in our car because of the summer heat. In fact, the Refuge…

You think I may be shallow but at least I am also very weak

Tulsa Beacon

For someone who isn’t a writer, coming up with an article each week is a daunting task. One of the problems I face is that I have only one mind, 10 fingers and 26 letters to work with. I sometimes think if we just had a few more letters in our alphabet, my job would…