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The Tulsa Beacon



God has given us some ‘bear bells’ in the Bible for safety

Tulsa Beacon

School started last week, and I needed to get one more hike in with the two older Yada Hoodies. Our hiking careers have been put on hold for the last year and a half.  I planned a hike that went up into some hills with lots of bluffs and rock outcroppings with indentations that look…

Trains had a gigantic impact on the growth of America

Tulsa Beacon

[Looking at why our area has its unique political and religious attitudes.] Who does not like trains? The recent tour of ‘Big Boy’ the world’s largest steam engine through eastern Oklahoma stirred the question of, ‘why the tour was along that route?’ We have an extensive treatment of railroads in the book, but any excuse…

Weber, Kingsford and KitchenAid make pretty good grills

Tulsa Beacon

When we got married in 1982, one of the wedding gifts we got was a Weber 22-inch kettle charcoal grill. I really liked that grill. Previously, when I was single and living in an apartment, I had an hibachi grill. It was small but it was a good size for cooking for myself and my…

How did a missionary who despised chopsticks get to China?

Tulsa Beacon

I had just done a short-term mission to Singapore, a beautiful city. Our team was asked to assist a new church plant in the Jugron District. I loved every part of this trip except for one thing: the food. I grew up in a small town smack in the middle of America, and I don’t…

Sooner roadtrips will be more complicated in the SEC

Tulsa Beacon

Fans who like to travel to Oklahoma football away games are going to pay higher prices when the Sooners eventually join the Southeastern Conference. And that will hold true for all of the other “minor’ sports. In the Big 12, the closest conference member to OU is OSU in Stillwater  and that is only 85…

Rescuing the Perishing – both physically and spiritually

Tulsa Beacon

When my son youngest son, Caleb, was a teenager, he decided he wanted to be a lifeguard. I think his decision was prompted more by the number of girls who hung out at our local swimming pool than God’s call on his life, but he took the training and learned CPR, first aid and the…

Galloping inflation is making everything cost a lot more

Tulsa Beacon

This summer,I saw an online ad for a Tulsa grocery that had 95% ground beef for $6.59 a pound. This particular store had a discount program with ground beef at $4.58 a pound but that is still 50% higher than what we paid last year. In the summer, we like to buy ice cream from…

Historic landmarks can’t match up with granddad’s house

Tulsa Beacon

In just a few weeks, two-thirds of the Yada Hoodies will be heading back to school. It has been a weird summer. For the first third, we had constant rain, and it was cold. For the second third, we were looking at COVID-19 as it resurfaced, and for the final third, it was constantly over…