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The Tulsa Beacon



I am learning where I came from, I know where I will go

Tulsa Beacon

My youngest grandson, River the Peacemaker, just turned 2 years old.  From the time he wakes up until he goes to sleep, he is wagging his little tongue as fast as he can. His speech brings a smile to this old man’s heart as he talks without a full set of words. “Where you go?!”…

You could not ask for a better Dad than Harley Biggs

Tulsa Beacon

The older I get, the more I appreciate my late father, Harley U. Biggs, Sr. Dad was a three-sport athlete at Cherokee High School in the late 1930s. He starred in basketball, football and baseball – but his first love was baseball. He said he had an offer to play baseball at Oklahoma A&M (now…

Fond memories come from spending family time together

Tulsa Beacon

While I was growing up, there were three great days in the life of young Walker. Christmas topped the list; my birthday came second (I think there was a theme going on here) and then the first day of summer vacation. Do you want to know what day made the bottom of my list? Valentine’s…

We are educating students to be thugs

Tulsa Beacon

During the 2020 presidential debates, Joe Biden was asked a question about Antifa, who at that time was burning, looting, and hurting American citizens in several major cities. Biden shrugged off the question by replying that Antifa was really just “an idea, not an organization”.  Many Americans, mainly those on the right, expressed outrage at…

America must have freethinkers who hold to their values

Tulsa Beacon

[Looking at why our area has its unique political and religious attitudes.] To build the framework for the original teachers and settler-leaders to the Indian Territory, we saw that President Thomas Jefferson was an avid supporter of church schools. That caused us to back up for a look at the foundations of the government. Many…

Oklahoma and South Dakota have many similarities

Tulsa Beacon

MITCHELL, South Dakota – In  lot of ways, Oklahoma and South Dakota are very similar. Both states have more registered Republicans than Democrats. Forty-five percent of the registered voters in Oklahoma are Republican while that number is 53% in  South Dakota. Oklahoma has a conservative Republican governor and so does South Dakota. The GOP overwhelmingly…

A collapsed lung led a 15-year-old to a love of the Bible

Tulsa Beacon

In 1966 I was 15 years-old, and I bought my first car. It was a 1954 Plymouth Belvedere 4-door sedan. In those days there were two kinds of cars, one class was called “Babe Magnets.” Guys drove those cars to attract pretty girls. They just wheeled into the local Dog ’n‘ Suds and people would…

Was Ben Franklin a Deist? For a while

Tulsa Beacon

[Looking at why our area has its unique political and religious attitudes.] Why were Presidents Jefferson and Washington, Dr. Benjamin Franklin, with other early political architects called Deist? We saw earlier that all the founding colonies had requirements and oaths definitively affirming traditional Protestant beliefs and the colonies expelled those not advocating the prescribed practices….

Scientific evidence shows 6,000 years of man’s history

Tulsa Beacon

How long has mankind been on this Earth? What does genetic science tell us? Dr. Jeffrey P. Thompkins is with The Institute for Creation Research. According to his biography, he  “earned a master’s degree in plant science in 1990 from the University of Idaho, where he performed research in plant hormones.  He received his Ph.D….