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The Tulsa Beacon



Navigating the Sands of Change – is retirement in your near future

Tulsa Beacon

Navigating the Sands of Change – Is Retirement in Your Near Future Whether you find yourself in the sandwich generation or navigating other distinct circumstances, retirement readiness is on the mind of people at all ages. Your retirement plan is a readiness ‘life plan” and should be every bit as unique as you are. There…

There’s no better place than the great state of Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

I was born in Tulsa on November 16, 1953 – exactly 46 years after Oklahoma became a state on November 16, 1907. I tell people I was born on statehood day but I am quick to point out that I was born on the anniversary of statehood, not in 1907. I love this state. I…

The most dangerous profession is being a U.S. President!

Tulsa Beacon

[Looking at history and our area’s unique political and religious attitudes.] What is the most dangerous profession? The statistics are amazing. What job has a one-in-five chance of severe injury or death? With the exception of John F. Kennedy, all presidential assassinations and attempts have been against Republicans. Since the first assassination of Republican Lincoln,…

Ageless insights for leaders – inspiring quotes for your life

Tulsa Beacon

Years ago, I began collecting quotes from people that spoke into my life. I wanted to share a few that are worth repeating. We need leadership in the world today, as has been true since creation. These quotes come from people that are not flawless, but examples of much needed leadership thoughts. John Maxwell –…

America owes a great debt to our military servicemen

Tulsa Beacon

November 11 is Veterans Day, an important day to remember for all Americans. Memorial Day is another public holiday that celebrates military service. Memorial Day is to remember those brave Americans who died in military service. Veterans Day is for all of those who served. Armed Forces Day in May honors those who currently serve….

Bonhoeffer lived his life and talents effectively, do we?

Tulsa Beacon

[Looking at history and our area’s unique political and religious attitudes.] Dietrich Bonhoeffer. What sense does the name evoke? Who is he? Do you know his family? Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was born in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland) with a twin sister Sabine. Their father was a professor of neurology and psychiatry, who opposed the Fuehrer’s…

Every life tells a story: Here is my Faith Journey

Tulsa Beacon

My salvation story beautifully illustrates God’s faithfulness throughout my life. It all began with my parents, who met while studying in Dallas, Texas—my mother at the Dallas Bible Institute and my father at Dallas Theological Seminary. I made my debut at my father’s graduation from DTS in 1951, just four days old. As the second…